
This is such a stupid, scary, fucked up situation. These stupid, stupid assholes. Stupid. Fucking. Assholes. Stupid. Fucking. Assholes.

Actually, no. Erin means Ireland.”

I went to school with an “Erin Smith” who was hyper-irritating and also a pathological liar with a victim complex, so I’m pretty sure this is the same one.

I don’t even think the people signing the petition are Grey’s fans. There is no way they have actually watched And paid attention to an episode and think that Shonda would not love his speech.

When Grey’s ends she’s going to give him another job just because she loves him and she now knows those kind of people don’t want her to...

Nope, that’s now how racism works. Because racism is not just an orange saying that it hates an apple. It’s about power. You couldn’t reverse the races in Williams’ speech because black people haven’t been enslaving, oppressing, and disenfranchising white people for centuries.

I chalk it up to the same lead-tainted kool-aid that leads to a crowd of older italians celebrating Columbus Day around the statue that is (somefuckinghow) still standing downtown.

Thank you!!! I was trying to explain to someone that Black Lives Matter doesn't mean kill all the white people or that it is ok to kill cops. It is saying that police brutality and arrests happen at a disproportionate rate for African Americans and something needs to be done for that.

Sadly, the old generation of bigots inevitably indoctrinate enough of the young so the cycle continues. Gods know parts of my family tried to with me. Thankfully the brain I was born with was stronger than their bigotry. I think it eventually will “age” out of society. Never probably completely, particularly when we

Whats the quote I’m about to get slightly wrong?

I was told by a very serious (and mostly sober) young man that nothing will change in the US until “all of the old bigots” die. He didn’t mean this to be pithy or cutting, talking as he was to an almost Old; he said it with a kind of heavy sadness that I associate with a death in the family. With resignation.

The term reverse racism bothers the holy crap out of me. It insists that there is some sort of racial hierarchy to start with. Racism is just racism. There’s no special edition directed towards white folks.

Amen from a fellow middle-aged pigmentally challenged person.

Right? And like ABC is going to piss off Shonda. She’s making bank for them.

It’s about Jessie Williams spewing racist words against the police, who are now a race and not an occupation.

Um, excuse me, but Erin Miller is 1/36th Cherokee AND her Irish ancestors who came to America were, like, slaves and so she knows, okay. This isn’t about her. It’s about Jessie Williams spewing racist words against the police, who are now a race and not an occupation.

Don’t you know “Erin” means “Africa” in Gaelic?

Speaking as a middle-aged white person, I find tears from middle-aged white people complaining about reverse-racism really goddamn tedious and infuriating.

Her name might as well be Becky Smith.

Right? I laughed at her “who says I’m white? Who says I support Trump?” Girl, I think it’s a pretty fair bet.