
That is really the question. The YouTuber is claiming that he didn’t buy stolen property, that he got them from a legitimate source and there was some kind of mixup. In that case, they are his to keep. He might have cooperated to win favor with WotC, which could be beneficial for him in the future. However, it’s also

The damage is already done, its not like they were assaulting children, posting the kiddie porn, THEN making arrests. They were simply dealing with existing contraband and trying to use it to make more arrests. I think it is a fair tradeoff.

I disagree. Maybe if you are counting "prestige" as part of it, but there are other parts of the country that can offer you similar opportunities for a lower price. Compare an affluent neighborhood in a smaller city vs an affluent neighborhood in a large city. You will get just about the same type of life, but your

The biggest problem with Wine.Woot is that they dont ship to even half of the states. Despite my best efforts, I still havent been able to convince the Indiana legislature to reform our alcohol laws (and every attempt made fails), so no Wine.Woot for us Hoosiers.

I disagree, I tip based upon effort. If someone has to seat me, check on me once or twice, and bring me the bill, I am not going to give them a 20% tip on my $60 steak diner for two. They didnt do $12 worth of work, simple as that. Not to mention tipped employees in my state do make minimum wage (so at least $7.25 an

I care! Weather Underground is actually pretty cool, and there is a growing group of enthusiasts who have personal weather stations and report weather data. My father just dropped an abhorrent amount of money on a new system, and it is pretty cool. He has better data collection than the local municipal airport in his

VZW will let you hold it. In fact, they told me (I havent done it yet, but I will be soon) that I can merge my line (on my parents family plan) with my fiance's line (on her mom's plan) into one new family plan (for the two of us) and we will both retain our unlimited.

I locked my only key in my Miata once, which has a frameless window. You can actually do it without a wedge, just force the weather stripping away. The biggest issue was actually being able to maneuver it, which I imagine would have been easier with a wedge of some sort.

@lucasway89: Some of us are staring down two feet of snow, plus ice. That is well over double what areas of the UK had earlier this winter. I know from an ice storm a few years ago that the ice alone is enough to kill power in the older neighborhoods for days, and knock out telephones (and subsequent DSL lines). If

If I remember correctly, there is some question about whether Taurus will actually make the Raging Judge a reality. Personally, I wouldnt bother. It is way to much a novelty, and it is HEAVY! With the standard Judge, I could understand that. Not something I would want to use as my carry gun, but I can see someone

I start work the second I get up. That is just how I work. I dont like going through all the little stuff when I am half awake, so I have committed to NOT logging into my work computer until I actually get into the building, have my coffee, etc. I do however use my phone to get on top of anything urgent. I think that

@liftedngifted1: He didnt say anything about an Android exclusive.

Giz needs to pull some strings and crash the party. I can see Jobs strolling in to give his little speech, only to look up and see Jason Chen front and center, and then passing out. An acceptable alternate ending would involve him throwing things, then getting tazed.

@danarchist: VZW iPhone is still a ways off IMO. Go Droid and dont even worry about the iPhone. Android phones are running strong enough that if a whiff of the iPhone comes around, you can just sell your Android phone, use your Storm for a few months, and pay a small up charge to have the iPhone.

A DeLorean.

I went from contracting to working in a corporation, and it blows. I like some of the perks (getting paid consistently, not having my paychecks bounce, bonuses, etc) but it is boring and a huge headache.

@SlimDan22: Odd. I live in Indiana along the boarder, and we can not buy alcohol on Sundays, so we drive to Michigan to buy it.


15 Minutes is BS. I have yet to return an app, but I always liked the option. This makes that feature essentially useless.

@Batmanuel: The American people dont get it. Out of everyone I have talked to about this situation, only one person has agreed with me that he has no fault, no wrong doing (as far as the releases)