Say Waaah?

Can we put a GPS tracker on their cars?

Why would the government even need to track us down? I don't understand this life.

@PinballFan: You shouldn't be making fun of me, you don't know who I am, what if I have a mental disability?

@PinballFan: Wi-Fi signals use a lot less than a Microwave oven, otherwise there'd have to be a fan right next to the antenna so it doesn't overheat.

The Game store, GAME in the UK has been doing stuff like this for as long as I can remember.

@sergio526: If you open any of the items you listed above, they aren't going to harm you and give off a lot of radiation, aren't they? You have to be extra careful when using a Microwave, sure, you have to be extra careful when driving a car, but that's why there's such thing as a driving license.

@Celladore: Do you mean You're? And what's cooky?

@WoodyHD: It's dangerous to breath, but who has ever died breathing?

@RoFLKOPTr: Lmao! Talk about Fail. You should be banned for personally attacking me by calling me an idiot.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Yeah I knew you were saying it in a jokey way...but for some reason I felt like expressing my opinion a little.

Now playing

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Exactly my point, it isn't safe to be in a household, any drunk person could just throw anything in them, even pets, and that happens a lot.

@Trebuchet: Yeah, and not to sound lazy/pushy, but the folders take too long to open, they're good, but opening them takes a bit too long, the animation needs to be a bit faster.

@Trebuchet: I would have an Pre over my iPhone, but the Apps are rather better, but the Multitasking on the iPhone...isn't much, it's just fast App switching, the wait for Multitasking wasn't worth it to be honest, and my iPhone's slower :(

The Microwave was probably one of the worst inventions.

@hmmcolor: It would have been Microwaving his leg as well, but you can't melt your leg that easily...

The home button is so wonky, and if it doesn't have the card interface it just isn't worth it.

I don't need an exercise bike, I have a bike for that.

@HTownTime: Are you stuck in the 20th Century? This is the 21st, everyone's lazy...

So, that's where the Go is, what about the Jail? Or is it marked where the Jail is? I haven't played in a while apart from the Here and Now iPhone App.