Say Waaah?

@somidscr21: I'm an Apple fanboy, I'm not trying to make fun of Apple in any way, they are overpriced.

@midiac: I think you're meana take turns in getting your colour balls down first, using your colour sticks.

@ktc2: I don't get it either, but I think it's meana be like invisible at some points...not that amazing.

@helixjo1: It's weird how it isn't even an odd year.

I remember when I spilled Coca•‏Cola on my PS3 controller, if it had a battery like this in, the buttons would have still been sticky but it would have charged!

Stuff like this always reminds me of Wall•‏E, like, the way it's just all lazy to be working like that.

Never seen a milk carton with a handle.

@drsquirrel: You do that several times, not just once down and up...

@d1zzle: That's an odd fear.

@wurgerburger: By the way, it's called a cross, you can't just put X.

Who else has noticed that the X is replaced with the O and the O with X?

@DJ_Skrull: Say that to Google whenever they try making YouTube better.

I think BP should have pay for anything to clean up the oil spill...or are they already doing that?

"As I'm getting on a bit" But but...I thought you were young? :S

"$4700 for the 60-incher"

@Squalor: At least no one's blaming God over this.

Scary? You mean AWESOME!

@somidscr21: I've just always wanted to say that Dyson and Apple products suit each other, and so do the price.