Say Waaah?

@SEDAGIVE?!: In Soviet Russia, you love hacker, you don't hate hacker.

All I want is a TemperMatress, I doubt there'll be any Earth quakes in London. We're no where near where tectonic plates meet.

I'm confused...why bother when you can use Apple wireless Keyboard, the ones that come with the iMacs are Bluetooth, aren't they?

@barrywoods: Pfft, I saw some toy like this for 10-year-olds, it flew itself, and the sensors on the sides-to make sure it doesn't hit walls-can be used to control it, just put your hand next to it to move it about. I was thinking of getting it just for a little fun, but thought it would probably just end up in a

Readng the title this went through my mind:

@Chroma: Remember the big YouTube layout on April 1st?

I really hope they do Deans Blue Hole. Someone needs to go down there and make sure it aint yo' just kidding, but someone needs to find out whats down there, apparently there are huge octopus'.

@mehoff88: Haven't you seen steam coming out from the man hole covers? There's a huge central heating thing in New York, and it all goes along the sewers.

@crabperson: No it's because all their cameraphones are counterfeit.

@Aklost: You just made me figure out where it was placed. I didn't think she meant it was right underneath.

You're telling the Gizmodo community to always carry a cameraphone?

@RCDuke: When in-game XMB came out, my friend pointed out playing a game 'paused' (Made it pending) the downloads, and I've only noticed since about a week ago that it downloads while playing a game, I always thought it was pending.

@barrywoods: I think I'd rather let my father get the next Audi A4 estate.

@mattius: I've already read that, you realize it says the Giz community doesn't like people using stuff like Ppl.

@Thorax707: Oh yeah you're exactly right, I remember on Twitter a trending topic was iTampon.

At my mothers work two people got fired for using eBay during their lunch break, I think lunch break, maybe they made a viral video on YouTube saying "Get FireFox and turn it to private mode"

@mtfmuffins: You have a star? These aren't 100% accurate amounts of dust it removes, the 10% may get removed over rain.

I actually read "brethren" properly.