Say Waaah?

@Norbs: "don't like Apple products" I'm an Apple fanboy, I'm just making a joke. It's nothing compared to what I say about Microshite.

@mattius: Please, don't put Ppl, instead of People, it makes you look stupid.

@GuyWithDogs: The guy is clearly Borat, Borat is the only man with less common sense.

@siwex80: In the keynote, he claimed it was a mix between the iPhone and MacBook.

Wait, who gets the 8002A227 error code? the consumer gets it? Or does Sony get it?

There are cameras in every corner here in London, if I were to leave a bag full of leaflets, it will get stolen, and the camera supposedly 'wouldn't' have picked them up.

@jglavin: No she's saying "My mom scores BiG!"

@MazdaMania: They're probably from a country that respects each other.

@spinnaker0: That lady just has a bit of common sense.

Jobs said the iPad was a MacBook and an iPhone put together, so how is this going to be any different? I like how these products are turning into elements - You mix them together and call them magical!

First a Google Maps with nothing but words, now something that an iPhone 4 can do? What next? "Man gets pregnant after sex change...waaaaah?"

@SparklyJesus: LOL! 19k, what a ripoff, why not get a petrol powered RC helicopter that could take a much larger payload - You could get some much better cameras on board.

@dcdttu: Attach a Sony Bloggie, they're like $200 and weigh 110Grams, this can hold over 900Grams, and the Bloggie records in 1080p.

What do you mean "request a price quote."?

@xsbs: Well, tablets are a bit pointless anyway, I would try a tablet running Windows 7, but a full OS seems a bit much for something like that, I've tried Windows 7 on a touch screen and it just didn't seem right.

@xsbs: These CrApple products sound like shit, but on my Apple Mac I get to install what I like as well.

@Dacker: There's a thermal camera at the London Science Museum! So much fun! And they have heat pads to warm your hand and see how much whiter/redder your hand gets XD (I think 'redder' is a word right? Well my spell checker isn't saying anything about it)

I gotta put a MacMini inside a, toaster.

@GiR: I can imagine where the on button is, and what the creator does to turn her on.