Say Waaah?

What if it broke open and the contents were to slip out?

@Dacker: And have you seen CCTV? For the price, quality and size of the cameras, it's a scam. Webcams are almost as good, you might as well hook up some webcams and view it from your computer, much cheaper way.

I bet it was filmed using a product by Sony.

@Dacker: Lemme just quickly say, when I made that comment it claimed that I was on Gizmodo, not Lifehacker, this is a recurring problem out of Gawker, not that it matters much, it just annoys me.

@Preacher Itofu a.k.a. Scammer Money: I don't know shit about RuneScape either, apart from Jagex is near London and for once a British website was successful...more popular than WOW. So I guess the time it takes me to load RuneScape is a bit faster, although I've played it once, and figured it was shit.

Who agrees webcam's are overpriced to how shitty they really are?

@iTofu 3GS has no reception problems: To me it looked like you said it over how long it will take to load, I'm just saying it won't, because RuneScape doesn't take too long to load and it's much more than text and images.

Why are they advertising it as if it's fun? Yeah, fun for kids, but they'll only waste it even more.

@☆Giroro G66☆: Lmao! he's talking about over time it will waste gallons. It all builds up, doesn't it?

@KamWrex: Bottled water is 'filtered' by rocks, rocks are shat on by birds. I wonder what's more clean?

@iTofu 3GS has no reception problems: yeah, but it's loading text and a few images, rather than loading RuneScape. (There isn't a RuneScape server in your basement...or is there? Not that I like RuneScape one bit)

It will help us get a lot better results, although they'll probably make much more money from it.

@Dapke36: Well apart from the risk of it falling apart while hitting the ground, I guess that's fine, but when hit hard enough water is as hard as concrete (I think it's water), so landing on soil is a much better plan.

@ament001: Over time it will rise.

@Darthvinder: Thanks for telling us, now we know how we shouldn't refer to it.

@redgrashoper: You're comparing a filtered, chlorine, wave-less swimming pool to the ocean?

@siwex80: She added you just so she could tell you she got the iPhone? She does realize you don't have to add people to send messages?

@Tony Kaye: Woah, look at that girls body with the spotty shirt.

@davidray: I don't have many/any friends really, the only people I text are family members while in the same room if we want to be discrete while with others. Although I have an iPhone because I use the Internet so much and all, calling is shitty on it, you can't complain.