Say Waaah?

@dixiehwy25: Lmao at how fucking long your comment is and how it ends XD

@thewhitedoberman: LOL! Are you trolling Giz? 'Course you mustn't go on it...seriously don't use it.

@nombei: I don't like how that guy has a Union Jack on his legs, but it's funny.

@Thomas Tetrault: I was gonna say click on it, but that only works on the second one :(

@SkipErnst: Watch out for the counterfeit helium!

@vsound: Air pumps ahoy! Only a buck each from Ale's Balloon shack!

@12pt: Lmao! Was that on purpose? XD

Wow! I just realized that McDonald's making balloons be on a plastic stick rather than filled with helium was a much better idea. Well in Britain, they're on plastic sticks and filled with air, and today I was looking at them thinking "Jeez, McDonald's are acting a little cheap?" I just realized how good it is they're

Isn't EDGE 2G? Well on my iPhones online user manual it claims GPRS (Shown with an 'O' at the top of the screen) and EDGE are 2G.

There are more writers? I thought it was all Matt Groening, or does he just draw it all?

@pfernando27: Same, click on the hyperlink saying "Japan Probe"

I was expecting like each key being two put into one. But nooo, it's a ripoff Apple Keyboard.

@xsbs: I guarantee you, any PC will cripple faster than an Apple product. Especially because most PC's are plastic.

How do I post a comment in Whitenoise? Do I just tag a comment on an article? I know I just tag a comment, but some seem to be making comment within Whitenoise.

@alexthehuge: I like how he's wearing the same casual outfit as he is in the picture wanting to get high with a rocket.

@Samuel James Reha: The light source is in front of him, but he also isn't wearing a helmet and is dressed like a casual stroll along the coast.

@Logos11: It's a TV set based on a rocky beach.

That first picture has fail captioning.

@Dodge2002: Stupid people not doing their job properly.