Say Waaah?

@Geisrud: They're bullshitting to try and make us feel bad, even though there are starving people.

Stupid society we still live in.

@xsbs: "runs iOS"

@MagicTrackpad: I bet half of them are Bullshitting and aren;t even getting one, then a quarter are bullshitting and trying to make Dell and HP feel better, but really they're buying an iPad.

If I were to get any tablet I'd by a tablet by Apple, I want to become completely Microsoft free in the next few years, apart from using MSOffice

They look nothing like numbers, except number 1...WTF?

Does the Globe next to him show how many places hes screwed? The metal things looked screwed up.

@geekymitch: I found a solution to your problem:

Definitley the best way of telling the news.

Good, those RC planes are so boring to watch, all the pilot does is make it hover like that. It makes an RC airshow boring to watch. Especially when 75% of the planes are those things!!!

Don't solar panels work with normal lights? Calculators using solar panels work with my lights.

That's awesome! They should make it so you can select what contacts it should recognize as friendly, so friends and family don't have random photos of them taken.

Why not just pay using eye scanners? If eye scanners are supposed to stop fraud a lot, we might as well have our banks connected to our eyes (I forgot the bit that gets scanned)...actually that might cause us to have our eyes ripped out D:

@Mars478: Fortunately Facetime doesn't have much pixelation.

@Assimilate: Borat's hilarious, although I find Bruno a bit gay for my liking.

@gerrycomo: I don't drink underage and smoke underage either, me and my friend just look at the pictures and guess what job they'll have, we have plans to have fun rich than have fun off our parents money.

"What a tiny little Moon you are!" Now spread out the square feet of the moon onto Australia and see what happens.