Say Waaah?

That means that while we've been making statues a traditional way, we've been doing it wrong, and they're supposed to be painted?

@moonshadowkati: I was about to complain about that - Why do us men keep having to watch the best things shown by men? Where'd all the ladies go?

@theaceplaya: You must agree, you could watch that all day.

Re: iPhone 4 screen being...what 400x stronger than plastic?

@wanderingrabbi: They don't know it shrunk 300 feet, it's a theory.

@kentsmithnz: Give them many more ideas on what to tax.

@TaxiHappy: Metal expands when it gets hot, as do most things.

@BeyondtheTech: Your penis is not getting smaller, you're just taking steroids.

Are we sure there aren't termites inside the moon?

My mother told me about this a little while ago, every time I see a picture of a friend drunk/drinking loads, I comment saying that it could ruin their job interview.

@bokscutter: I think the drink had something in it.

@blyan: Yeah, well in Britain we don't know about Glenn Beck, so I was mistaken and found it rather offensive, but if he's taking the mick out of a prick that's fine.

@blyan: I would have put my words into '' to show sarcasm/mockery.

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: Obama = Reincarnation of Hitler? That 'joke' isn't at all funny, that's so offensive to some.

Wait a minute, that's my kite! I lost it a month ago! Damn...if only I knew how valuable it was...

Maybe they're going to fix it as well, and turn it into the very best virus scanner out there.

@Fourdagon: That would fucking hurt. But ok I'll do it.

@pmbaustin: You did exactly the same as me, get rid of McAfee and use Microsoft Security Essentials.