
Hi Student Loan Hero! 20 years ago, shortly after we married, my wife had a medical procedure that went horribly wrong and left her unable to continue her chiropractic career. This left her with a large loan that has basically been in deferment for the last 20 years. Is there any option from getting out from under

Having been diagnosed with a bone spur on the bottom of my foot last year, the podiatrist recommended keeping the callus over that part thinned out. I got tired of using the little cheese grater looking thing that took forever to get the callus thinned. I started looking at these and reading reviews on Amazon where a

Having been diagnosed with a bone spur on the bottom of my foot last year, the podiatrist recommended keeping the

I will not be “upgrading” to the 7 and will opt to stay with my 6. One thing that I’m not seeing mentioned is that using BT earphones for listening to audio will use more battery power than the plugged-in type. More battery usage means more charging. More charging means the battery starts failing sooner.