Man, AV Club really is mostly slide shows and listicles now, huh? Such a shame. Everything on the internet turns to shit eventually.
Man, AV Club really is mostly slide shows and listicles now, huh? Such a shame. Everything on the internet turns to shit eventually.
But that’s the thing: they almost always show up to the vote with a hint of bootleather already on their breath. The optics are terrible whether McCarthy gets it or not. They either wasted days trying to prevent the inevitable and prove that they can’t get even the simplest of tasks completed, or they prove that it…
I couldn’t stand the N64 and PSone era of 3D. This is a welcome remaster.
Sorry to hear about your mom. For my dad it was March 2018 for the diagnosis, and he made it to July. My guess is that the biggest difference for Alex is in getting the diagnosis early, and that’s where being able to afford the best doctors in the country/world can really make the difference. I know my dad was…
We get it, man. You’re single.
64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.
It’d be hard to read at the angles where the wings meet the fuselage though.
Except the voters - they are made in Russia.
Just shut the fuck up, and keep the drink machine behind the counter.
In closing, we only have about 3 weeks left
zip ups are the best. too hot but dont want to take your hoodie off? unzip! starting to get cold again? zip that sucker up!
zip ups are the best. too hot but dont want to take your hoodie off? unzip! starting to get cold again? zip that…