
When I was about 10 years old, my dad called me into the kitchen. He knew I wasn’t a fan of tea, so he enticed me with a ‘new’ kind of tea that tastes much better, and that I should try it because he thinks he’ll win me over with it.

It was a rather dark tea. There was a straw in the glass already. I took a big sip of

Luke, how long? How long do you need man?

This dystopia has been in the making for so long, I think it’s older than me. Do you really still need time to mourn? Are you still upset? Damn I thought we were over this already.

God I hope Classic WoW survives. I don’t want to go back to private servers.  

Dear Logan Paul, next time give me the $3.5 million. Actually I only need about $300,000 and I’d be able to go to college without feeling trapped by inescapable debt. Invest in me instead of G.I. Joe cards :D  

History can’t be cured unfortunately; you can only attempt to compensate moving forward. The marginalized people of Riot probably will leave if they don’t have faith in the new program. But might just be replaced with more of the same marginalized group. The program would best be served by a commitment to diversify

For me, the most painful part of getting a new job is looking for them and the application process. This hatred of job searching kept me at a company I hate for many years.

>I find it a little strange that the company would compensate people who don’t jive with its outward stance on diversity and inclusion, but I also understand employees needing resources to continue looking for work in the temperamental industry that is video games should their last job not work out for whatever reason

Over on Kotaku,  you can tell they’ve being paid to write articles, which is something they said they’d never do. You can’t walk 2 feet on that site without an article sucking Microsoft’s pp.  

I’m honestly retarded when it comes to money so this step isn’t usually included lol.  

Here’s how I play games in the modern day:

Get hyped for game > read online about whatever totally absurd design decision or massive bug was included > Wait for massive backlash about said decision or bug > Wait for gaming company to respond by designing it the way it should have been at the start > Wait for the

$300 million is a small price to pay to purge the company of this infection.

It would be their best investment to date, and could possibly lead to ABK getting their reputation back in the industry.

Unless they go right ahead and hire Bobby 2.0, which given the corporate landscape in the US, is extremely likely.


Trading money for copium. People are weird.  

For the price tag, they could have done more. I’ll pass on this one.  

The sheer number of articles written about FH5 on Kotaku in the past couple weeks is mind boggling.  

What do you want to bet the WoW Community Council actually just gets filled up with streamers and not common players?  

They should fire one of their current developers on the grounds of his gender, and then hire a new developer on the basis of their gender.

I think it’s a perfect plan personally.  

Don’t watch Dune until the rest of the movie comes out.  

Honestly this is the best thing that could happen to the Vicarious Visions name. Activision will bring VV in and wear them down to such a level that massive amounts of talent will leave, and the studio will be a zombie just like Blizzard is. The inevitable events coming are best to come WITHOUT the good name of

Hey I wanted to thank you for your comment. I have a hard time keeping my attention on long articles, and if your comment wasn’t the first one I had seen, I wouldn’t know they mentioned a top-tier rom-based gaming handheld in the article. After reading your comment I was able to find the handheld emulation device they