Savory Simple

Oh come on. Chicken shit scared nerd who lies to survive -> slightly less chicken shit scared dude who kills a zombie -> still sobbing but willing to die for his peeps in an RV nerd. Where do you go from there?

I'm guessing it's Eugene as well. The writers have been taking the easy way out for a long time, and his story arc seems to be complete.

I have not enjoyed Sarah Paulson's character this season (and that's not a knock on her performance itself, I just don't think they gave her much to work with). So I agree that her scenes were pretty bad. However, I enjoyed the rest of the episode. The acting was good across the board. Gaga has improved quite a bit

American Horror Story: The Return of Emma Roberts

That might just be lazy makeup. Kathy Bates didn't really age, either.

It made complete sense to me that the dude from The Faculty shot Ofelia. Torture the torturer.

I love this damn movie so much and I don't care who mocks me for it.

That's one of my favorite songs. Embrace it ;)

Wow, how did I miss the cameraman issue? It sounds like it was very noticeable and I completely missed it. I'm guessing it's because even with the strength of the top 10, the show just doesn't hold my attention the way it used to.

I'm one of the few people who was probably genuinely shocked by that twist. I was watching it on TV and had NO idea what it was about. I almost fell out of my seat when it turned into a vampire film and LOVED the shock value. They totally should have kept that hidden in the ads!

I think that's kind of the point. They had to set the stage in the first episode and dwell a bit on how relatively stupid everyday problems were before the zombie apocalypse. Now that society is falling, it's happening relatively quickly but it's still not going to happen overnight. My guess is that things will pick

I would have liked It Follows so much more if every review hadn't overhyped it. I went in with unrealistic expectations and was disappointed. It was good but not amazing. I was definitely entertained but didn't find it scary at all aside from a few jump scares. I agree with QT.

I wish there was a good quality version of the ORIGINAL “Ramalama (Bang Bang)” on YouTube. I can only find a super pixilated version. It was better. The new version has too many Wade closeups. I want to see everyone else!

I'm still holding out hope for Zombie Sims.

It wasn't a great movie but… "the worst film released in the past decade" seems a bit excessive. I was reasonably entertained and actually sat through the entire film whereas there are countless movies that I've turned off over the past decade out of boredom. This article feels like it was written to fill a monthly

I'm confused. I just watched the video and thought it was very tastefully done. What's the problem, exactly?

I figured we were going to lose Beth or Carol. As soon as Carol woke up I knew Beth was doomed :( Going to miss Emily Kinney!