Above, via Kotaku reader SilentAssassn87, a lovely little dig from the developers of The Witcher 3, CD Projekt Red,…
Above, via Kotaku reader SilentAssassn87, a lovely little dig from the developers of The Witcher 3, CD Projekt Red,…
I feel like the smash brothers style of fighting actually lends itself pretty well to a dragon ball z game
I don’t feel bad for the leakers — if you’re gonna leak something, at least do it through Kotaku so we can protect your identity! — but it’s terrifying that Microsoft can just hit a button and turn a $350 machine into a brick.
“All-digital is the future! Anyone who has concerns over an always-online system and DRM policies that curb consumer rights is obviously an ignorant Luddite.”
The line for crow stew forms over there.
Please god tell me you’re not actually blind to the difference between clothed adult breasts and FUCKING CHILD PORN.
There’s a real difference between something that’s immoral and something that’s anatomically correct. Please don’t use the age-old “so by your argument” if your own argument was highly flawed from the start. I agree, it’s silly, but it’s coming out of Japan. A hell of a lot of Japanese stuff is silly.
You’re comparing a toy with squishy boobs to snuff and child porn...just take a step back, and look at your comparison for a second.
If I see a spider large enough that it requires an Xbox One to kill, I am nuking the house from sapce.
This may be the best article I’ve ever read
I left the second they changed the talent tree to the new simplified shitty version. The game has changed too much since the vanilla release, i look at it now and don’t even see the same game as back then.
It’s simply to be expected at this point and is less a marker of WoW’s quality (or lack thereof, whichever you want to argue) and simply its age and legacy. Big developments see a bump, then people tend to roll out.
I only wish the damage from XRay attacks was persistent. Like if you did that again, there should just be some pulled pork looking nonsense down there
Here it probably means spike it into the turf or something. In the U.K., do nothing with it for 90 minutes.
Edit: I blew the joke. See below.
He might never have a Bonner again.
As much as I'd love more communication from Valve about what they're doing, in the case of HL3 I don't want to hear a thing.
That other video was straight BS. Batman always wins. Always.
Even sitting could be a gender issue, she showed. She ran clips of how male and female characters sit in Destiny, a game that imbues its heroes of either gender with the same capabilities. When the guy sits, he just sits, feet and butt on the ground, knees up. When the female character sits, she lays on the side of…