Swiffer dusters! For the love of god!
Swiffer dusters! For the love of god!
I dunno, in my experience it's "Buy chocolates/flowers, eat a good meal and get laid" day. All in all, one of the better days in the year. What's your beef with it?
Doom 4. Followed by an "ESO is now on consoles!" speech, and expansion announcement. Followed by Dishonored 2 announcement. Closing up with a Fallout 4 reveal.
The conference will be glitchy as hell.
I would have waited another year or two. Like I've been saying on all the GOTY talks. Something was missing/wrong from/with DA:I and I couldn't quite place what it was. THIS WAS IT! I wanted to feel like I was making a real impact on the world I was playing in and that was taken from me.
I feel like we got a different game...and it might not have been the better one. I love DAI and have thoroughly enjoyed my time with it but the more I play it, the more problems I see with it and just wish we had gotten Origins 2.0. Of course you can't market that type of game anymore to the mass appeal audience so…
All this talk from sports media about Marshawn Lynch being a problem is a bunch of hot air, and this Clueless Gamer segment is the proof. The only people Marshawn Lynch has a problem with are sports media. Period. Outside of them, he comes across as a normal, happy-go-lucky dude.
Any game that has a breast slider and a breast bounciness slider should be given awards.
I like to blame Elder Scrolls Online for delaying a far superior Elder Scrolls VI.
I've always said that FC3 improved everything that was wrong with FC2, but it also removed absolutely everything that made FC2 amazing.
If they give me Far Cry: Jurassic Edition I really don't mind going into the more wacky blockbuster stuff :D But yeah, I wouldn't mind more FC2. In fact when I said no other game hit that spot, Stalker Call of Pripyat kind of did...
I'm one of those who loved the crap out of FC2. I loved FC3 too and 4 (though 3 left a more memorable impression), but FC2 hit the nail on so many mechanics and ambiance that it's still for me one of the best open world games out there.
Following on from the success of last year's offering, there is now a second calendar available featuring lurid…
Also, I'd love to hear Megatron's thoughts on vertical video.
Bush made a big mistake in going into Iraq. We are learning that a strongman is needed to get the various factions together and as bad as Sadaam Hussein was, he kept everyting in check.. But, pulling our troops out of Iraq led directly to the fomenting of ISIS. Obama is culpable for that as well as doing little to…
Anybody who did this in ME3 is an asshole.