
You dont seem to differentiate between modder and dev so let me help you.

“It doesn’t make business sense to me why you don’t take the $50 million or $60 million that one AAA game costs you and distribute that between 10 titles or 20 titles...”

Why are you misleading us into thinking you’re talking about Hitman with a clean shaven guy in a black suit and a red tie?!

Haha I kinda see what you’re saying, but then again, this is like the tenth time they’ve fought this fight, and each of them has died just to come back for “Round 2, FIGHT.” So maybe they’re just used to this shit by now.

Great news. Now if only Bethesda would admit they’re making Fallout 4 and get to work on TES VI I’ll be even happier. Oh and a sequel to Dishonored would be fantastic.

I wouldnt say she's a shitty person, in the end she's certainly cut down drastically the amount of men that will want to date her but that's probably a good thing for her.

I didnt even need to read the full article to actually agree with her. As a guy...

Articles like this just make me want to play Doom all over agian... Damnit....

Flagrant 2 straight to the Bonner.

This came as a surprise. Isn't it better that, apart from shouting "it's like having three dicks" when he pulls out a second assault rifle (a line we later cut for presumably obvious reasons), Salvador the gunzerker never says anything at all about the plot? Isn't it better that you get to decide how you feel about

"Discovered" you were poly-amorous eh? As in you dont have the self control that most people of both genders do to not jump in bed with the nearest person of either sex you're attracted to?

Where the hell you getting a month of gametime for 10 bucks? I only see 15, 14, and 13 depending on the sub.

Funny I get the feeling if this were a man cheating on his wife for the exact same reasons, you'd be infuriated and calling him a misogynistic prick.

False: Replay value is subjective.

Basically we should just make every super human a woman and/or black/hispanic/asian because white people are evil and stupid and done to death.

Or you could.... I dunno, enjoy and love each other every day of the year AND still celebrate V Day with a special home cooked meal or eat out or something super romantic that's too expensive or difficult to do more than a couple times a year? It makes for a great excuse to do something epic, and for single people a


Looks like it started Bioware then ended up EA'd again.

Where is the TLDR version?

"possibly even better"