eek, I think you're crazy... I love Dragon Age but I thought DAI was way too grind-heavy for a single player game. I spend too much time trying to level up or get the resources to advance the story than I do enjoying the game.
eek, I think you're crazy... I love Dragon Age but I thought DAI was way too grind-heavy for a single player game. I spend too much time trying to level up or get the resources to advance the story than I do enjoying the game.
I agree with this. Far Cry 2 may have had its problems but I played through it about 5 times, FC3 only once and a half.
20k now or 200k later I dunno. Maybe he's hoping it'll go up in price.
Thats for damned sure.
If you find this disgusting, you're missing the point.
I must absolutely disagree. As corny as the story was, and as silly as its respawns were, FC3 was worse in terms of gameplay AND story in my eyes.
In case you were curious, that moment was the proper time to open up the unit and check the contents. If you ever purchase anything that had already been returned, not opening the box before dropping several hundred dollars is the dumbest thing you can do.
How exactly is that elitism? It's far simpler to read coherent paragraphs than scrolling through 40 broken sentenced' tweets.
The quest grind... I just cant handle it.
I think they need to add more skill to the combat, to the free running, and to the stealth. Pro's and con's to each weapon (stronger and more evident than they are now), punishments for taking on too many baddies or for not blocking at the right time or for striking a blocking opponent, punishments for running…
That top picture.... I want to shake that man's hand.... That picture is just awesome.
You think Solas aborbed Flemeth, my thought when I first saw it was "Guess Flemeth didnt need a daughter after all." I mean she did say she was sorry as well. Though I suppose it could have been a mutual "I must absorb you now" thing....
I dont see why they are so apprehensive about that setting.... If you do it right, you can make a pretty interesting stand-out game.
I dont think Tenchu felt at ALL like AC... And besides, just because something similar has been done before doesnt mean we cant expand upon it for something better. RPG's have done the fantasy setting into the ground but Dragon Age Origins came along and was a raving success.
I hope they're talking about mouse thumb buttons when they talk about changes to the PC controls....
I'm usually, entirely, in the camp of "no offline, no money". But this game? I mean yeah my internet isnt exactly reliable and I cuss the techs out whenever it goes down (sorry bout that), so if that happens while I'm playing damn right I'll be pissed..... but not enough to throw away this awesome game.
I almost rerolled my first character, a warrior, because I was struggling with him so much in the two hander tree. He seemed so damned weak.
Stargate: No Man's Land.
My warrior is now at the quest with the warning attached to it : WARNING YOU ARE ABOUT TO EMBARK ON THE FINAL MISSION BLAH BLAH BLAH.
QUOTE | "You can't effectively test in your house or in your beta group what it means to have 50,000, 100,000, 200,000 users hit your service. And the guys [at the studio] are struggling with that. It's throwing up things they had not anticipated." - SCEA president and CEO Shawn Layden, explaining and apologizing for…