Mine is also ME 3...
Mine is also ME 3...
As long as you dont STOP doing preview type things I guess I'm ok with this. I loved seeing all the stuff about Elite: Dangerous and now am a backer mostly after having seen it and read about it through Kotaku.
I voted now where's my XCOM.
I, for one, welcome our new Euclideon overlords...
I'll spell it out for you: It's ironic, because Notch thought Oculus was selling out, so he threw a tantrum and dropped them, and then he goes and sells out.
I get all the damn color's mixed up with what they do, but I think my current keyboard is a Black and I like it. Not sure if my wife likes it but I like it.
Also, as the article pointed out, you have to be able to perform while being filmed.... I've never been watched while doing the deed, and I have a feeling I'd go floppy just thinking about all the people watching me.
No, it isnt. If she were a man, I'd still be voicing my concerns for the artistic noose said person is trying to wrap around developers' heads.
Cant really have rational debate if you automatically dismiss everyone who voices even the most modest opposition to her or her videos in the first place...
I think you made an assumption of your own about his statement. I dont see anywhere in his post about segregation... Women have their own rallies, boutiques, stores, product lines and companies that produce things specifically and only for women, etc all over the place, would you call that marketing segregation too…
I guess I dont get it... why cant you just already REALLY pay attention to what's happening and what choice you make? Maybe I'm already destroying these types of games and I dont know it because I'm not a fucking retard that doesnt pay attention?
Spacesim'mon, gotta play em all.
This single article has convinced me of my need to get a VR headset and reaffirmed my desire to buy E:D in addition to Star Citizen and quite possibly quit my job and make my wife pay the bills for at least 6 months.
Loved AC4, probably enjoy this too... but....
Dont own either console, and havent even played the reboot or any of the other Tomb Raiders, but this really is a bullshit move. I can understand SOME exclusivity, like Mario on Nintendo, Uncharted on Playstation. I can even grudgingly accept Halo on Xbox and not my PC....
But if this runner were a male, this whole article would be about how immature and misogynistic he is.
I never played the other Civ games, but I was immediately hooked on Civ V after I tried out the demo.... and I HATE turn based games typically, like I never could play any of the Final Fantasy games because it's aggravating just standing there to take a hit you know is coming. But Civ V makes me want to play Civ BE…
The problem with the "Do unto others" bit.... Send me a pic of your vajayjay 2 hours into the date? Awesome.
3 times in 7 weeks.... Clearly she ISNT going to initiate.... I dont know what other approach there could possibly be.
3 times in the last 7 weeks is quite the stretch though, maybe she should consider what exactly she wants from him and if it's even worth continuing. Clearly it's not doing it for the man....