When you say "Redshirt" I think "Oh you're... sending your child into potentially deadly situations where because of the color of their uniform they are most likely to die?"
When you say "Redshirt" I think "Oh you're... sending your child into potentially deadly situations where because of the color of their uniform they are most likely to die?"
I got my dog from the humane society for a benjie.... my computer that is now 3 years old I paid 1800 for, and just last year upgraded the vid card for another 300....
I dont game on consoles, but from my perspective this sort of thing is akin to pre-order bonuses.
I just want fun games, I dont care if I'm playing a female or a male, minority or a white. I just want to escape my life for a few hours....
When a maa'an, loves a cousin...
I assume the reason a new XWing/TIE Fighter game, or the space sim genre as a whole, died off is because everyone went consoles and developers didnt think they'd translate well to a controller.
You know if they made this a "women only" tourny there would be absolutely zero controversy or anyone anywhere at all raising a stink about it....
Totally just pre-ordered DAIII from GMG.
I could have sworn Anders was a flamingly homosexual. At least I dont remember an option to get with him on any of my female characters while one wrong slip up in the dialog trees in DAII had him hitting on my dude-guy.
I really dont see why I have to even bother paying my house insurance for dog bite coverage. I ran into this with my provider because my dog is a German Shepherd mix. Why do I need them to cover dog bites exactly? I'll be the one getting sued, not my insurance. How bout you just dont cover dog bites and make the…
I guess I just cant really see a driving game feeling very good at low FPS.
Inaccurate estimate. More like 85%.
These are the types of stories that dont make me want to ever be a developer in the gaming industry. I dont care if this is just an "isolated incident". The fact that this even happens to this degree is absolutely ridiculous. A company like Crytek shouldnt have ANY problems paying its employees or making money in…
Mmm hypocrisy. Lets trash the men for doing this same behavior but then go and do it ourselves. Because dick pics thats why.
Are dev's really this out of touch with gamers? Seriously??? You cant say that you want the absolute best possible quality on all platforms and then have these files that make the game look even better.
Nomenclature is everything people... technically speaking, a Ruger 10/22 is a machine gun as much as a semi-auto shotgun.
Hope this game comes to PC, wanted a cornucopia of space sims to slap me in the face all at once... Though I'm sure I'll be happy enough with Star Citizen (more than just space combat mister, or at least in the future) and Elite Dangerous.
I think you're just living in the wrong city or state or something.... Doom your chances for marriage and family?? Really? I'm pretty certain I didnt choose to marry my wife because of how much she makes (which is actually more than I make). Maybe you're just choosing the wrong men to date...
I dont see why consoles need auto aim. People always complain that their games arent hard enough these days, take that away and make them work for their shots...
You have to drop the controller to use hand gestures, why not just add a damn menu button to the controller and use that?