
I dont think this woman would be happy even if we took every male out of every game and replaced them all with females....

Bout time.... I was wondering if I'd ever get to play it or if I'd have to fight with my wife to use her PS3.

Guns again.... I'm just tired of the guns, lets go back further in time.

Erm... I'll never primarily game on a phone or a tablet.... They cant keep up with graphics on consoles, let alone the PC. I suppose they COULD eventually come up with some controller hookup that would make it more playable (imagine playing complicated games with just a touch screen) but for now there's another weak

I'm sure this will do wonders for his ego...

I'm an Intel/Nvidia guy, always have, and most likely always will be... Even I can see how this crap is detrimental to gaming as a whole while not even affecting me. If these allegations are true anyway (which they seem to be at least partially).

So wait, eyes being gouged out with thumbs until the skull pops like a melon is ok to you then? I suppose its also ok that innocents are slaughtered as long as its being done by a wildling that happens to be female as well.

More like 70% off games I've already played and ones I'm not interested in. But that is genuinely funny with the jabby jab there.

Hammers.... they should be regulated heavily like knives will be in the UK.

Gotta make it through some bad ideas to get true innovation. Some real good may still come out of this idea even if the good is only tangentially related.

Disney makes a metric crapton of cartoons for girls, no boys raise a stink.

That just doesnt sound interesting to me... certainly not as interesting as BF 2143.

They shoulda just went with another X-wing or TIE game...

I hear a hell of a lot more hate from articles like this than from him quoting verses. How the hell can calling it a "sin" hurt anyones feelings when they dont even believe in the first fucking place? Just get over it and let him ramble, he has that right just as you do to spew your hate.

Ok so they are selling every single car they make in one year or two years? I'd buy a non-used 2011 car for a good bit cheaper than a '14.

Still havent sold me a GTA V.... Damnit...

Mmm, gotta love hate....

I'm not sure how much better looking cell shading can be than it already is...

What on earth is that government housing regulations crap? "We here at Big Brother can't allow you to live with your uncle"???

I literally cant fathom why anyone would say the PC isnt friendly for indie games considering thats where most of them are.