
I'm still waiting, as are many other people who bought Star Wars games over the weekend, on the keys to be replenished. That, is the most annoying thing I think. I pre-ordered Empire at War back when it first came out, then saw it on sale with its expansion and BAM I was on it like white on rice.

LOL Oh bobby boy...

Everyone's always gotta take something that is already great as it is and put their own little spins and twists on it to make it "theirs" or "unique". Then they wonder why nobody likes the end product.

You should, oh I dunno, probably add "airsoft" to the title since its, you know... kinda misleading without that.

If I can float somewhat on my back in fresh water, I should be able to float even better on my back in sea water. Your game sucks.

I dunno the gameplay in that trailer doesnt really spark much confidence in me. Doesnt look much like "returning to their roots". Guess we'll see. I did like DA2 but I would much prefer Origins: 2 over DA2: 2.

I just want another X-Wing or TIE Fighter game. Or both in the same game, even better. Why the hell this isnt happening is beyond me. Disney should be all up in that shit with out Star Citizen is shaping up and doing so damned well with crowdfunding alone.

Pretty sure if it didnt deflect it could go through a few more.... Which would be hard to accomplish.

Am I really the only one who sees Dexter in that picture? Maybe not so much in the lower face but certainly in the eyes.

CoD seems to be heading towards the outlandish and over-the-top lately. This is just silly lol.

I've got a feeling Star Citizen is going to be difficult to play at max settings for most of even the high end rigs out there.

The faces were articulate for their time but seriously today? Dont think it'd fly with most people who didnt grow up in the 80's and 90's.

That last picture.... I want to hug the guy and punch the guy for reminding me of Republic Commando and the sequel it will never get.

All I can think of is Star Citizen when I see that card.... how glorious would that look?

Honestly I agree with this. EA is terrible, but after having worked at Walmart for the past 3 years and knowing what they do behind the scenes? Yeah I do believe they are worse than EA by a long shot.

Hacking boost? Kinda bummed but extra missions? Thats kinda low....

That Handsome Jack, its... its very.... handsome....

Um... no. Point for point:

My guess was "New York Steak" but I dunno....

I'm just wondering why CoD:BO2's price still thinks its a new game. Hell look at MW3 and its still above what other games that age are.