
I agree, and this is the perfect opportunity to use difficulty levels as they should be used. Easy settings for people just wanting to mow down dumb AI, Normal for an in-between bit, and Hard for intelligent AI that really makes you work for your cookies.

Good for those people, I didnt really think Elite looked that fun to me, so I'll just keep looking forward to Star Citizen.

I really couldnt get into the first one. I tried but damn. I dont know how far I even got but I dont think it was even a tenth of the way through the game.

Microsoft just needs that extra revenue you know.... they arent a multi-billion dollar corporation or anything...

You really should get DAII. The reviews were bad, because expectations for the game were so very high from how amazing DA Origins was. The levels were a bunch of copy-paste nonsense and the combat went more arcadey rather than the strategic style from DAO.

This is the part where you tell the world who the insurance company was so everyone can avoid them like the plague and they can learn the hard way how fucking over honest people who pay their bills to you is a bad idea.

I get wanting to shake things up in a major way but wow Joker being gone from the Batman mythos just seems... so wrong..... Joker is such an awesome baddie.

Everybody likes mindless entertainment.... even snobs that look down at everything across the bridge of their noses. Its just the way the world is. A movie doesnt have to be ground-breakingly well written or historically accurate to be a good movie.

I like how that argument is always framed as preventing a woman from doing what she wants with her body.

It wont just be the best, it will be the BESTEST...

I think people just need to quit making a big fucking deal about it and just do it.

Funny, I always feel I could lose weight, only like my picture taken if I know its going to happen and can make myself somewhat presentable, sometimes worry about my appearance being judged by random people, cant really complain about swim trunks though.

Under Republicans, Man Exploits Man.

I dont understand why they want to avoid Japan so hard.... It would be almost perfect.

I love how a photo of two women, wearing bikinis, looking at the camera and knowing their picture is being taken and not caring, is some how objectifying of women.

Really getting tired of a video popping up when I want to read some damned news... keep that crap in a banner Kosucku.

I've got to agree with this. I'm glad I didnt pay full price because wow I could not get past the combat... I wanted to. I heard so many great things and I feel like I'm really missing out on a great story...

Just like him? His jaw isnt nearly square or wide enough. Missing the slightly sunken cheeks too.

I didnt really care for Doom 3. I think it'd be best for all involved if they'd just remake the originals in better graphics. That, i'd play.

So wait, arena footballs pro football now?