Jeesh some of these comments. Reminds me to be happy and thankful for what I have. Here in Iowa we may not have as many wonders but fuck I'll keep my drab cornfields and my $650/mo mortgage.
Jeesh some of these comments. Reminds me to be happy and thankful for what I have. Here in Iowa we may not have as many wonders but fuck I'll keep my drab cornfields and my $650/mo mortgage.
Well thats just people's opinions dude... I'm sorry but in a world with 7 billion people there are going to be some who's opinions you dont agree with or find retarded.
lol, not the future...
Yeah video taping it is way too far. But you cant just waltz through life doing what you want and getting away with it all the time. We've been teaching our kids that for the past two generations and look at how fucked up things have gotten.
People who think this is cruel clearly never had to go pick their own apple switch off the tree. Dont pick the smaller ones thinking they hurt less, cuz they whip faster than the thicker ones....
Can you feel the Luftwaffe tonight?
Because 2 dudes showing 20 second clips of someone's media doesnt equal free advertisement amirite? Are you that stupid?
Man I dont get this.... I used to play for several hours a day too, sometimes 14 hours per day (screw you WoW).
Yes it did, I was about to post this as well... CoD blows Murica to hell. Course they're still the good guys.
True, but in the end most people end up buying both anyway so does all this even matter?
Damn, and the Jezzie's say men are cold...
Um, no, as a man, both of those freak me the hell out.
Everyone should just drop Youtube, band together, and make a new gaming video website. Once Youtube loses all that revenue they'll learn just how big they fucked up.
Wow, so you married a guy you clearly dont love, AND you're cheating on him.... are you really that much of an idiot?
F'ing Winback... I played the HELL out of that game.
My wife wont do dishes, mow the lawn, even LEARN anything about the car when I offer to help her understand, makes messes in the kitchen that I end up cleaning up if she decides to cook (Hey hon did you know you got pancake batter all over the stove top and the counter? No? Its ok I'll get it), ANY kind of housework…
That was pretty weak trolling right there.
Lots of people keep talking about how this should be done in 'Murica', but not a lot of talk about why we still have more stabbings, stranglings, suffocations etc here in 'Murica' than anywhere else in the world.
The genre WAS that popular. It was never AS popular as say FPS or maybe even Adventure games. I'd take a shot in the dark and say that it was almost as popular as RTS's... but like RTS's its hard to put a good space sim on a console. And thats where all the money started going when Playstation became so popular. …
An adapter that you'll have to pay for. I get they're a business and all, but some shit is obviously anti-consumer.