GIF is an acronym, gin and gift are words.
GIF is an acronym, gin and gift are words.
My sister once told me of a funny "jiff" she saw.
If those are the only two options, I'm happy to just live with the shitty netcode. Hitscan doesnt require you to lead targets moving perpendicular and the destruction sets the game apart from the myriad other shooters. I have Ghosts, didnt enjoy it nearly as much.
Might as well say that about every major retailer because they all treat their employees like garbage. Especially Wal Mart.
The same could be said about how you absolutely MUST get a PC so you can experience MMO's, strategy games and indies like FTL, Limbo, and Super Meat Boy.
I still dont get the couch thing. My computer chair must be far more comfortable than everyone elses because I'm equally happy in both.
Still waiting on the self-righteous to round up all the predators and force them not to eat meat.
The ad hominem is strong with this one. I dont even agree with them or this letter but you are just coming across as an idiot right now.
Yup, Walmart is holding all Black Friday items they get in for, well, Black Friday...
(Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" is another alternative, but probably not appropriate in this situation).
As a purely PC gamer, I have got to say that I really dont feel sorry for Microsoft for the hurt it brought upon itself.
This happens from time to time. Sucks for those who think it a tease though. Walmart's scanners wont read the UPC until the sell-date, so even if you got it to a cashier they would just get an error ringing it up.
Its hard to have a discussion when Sarkeesian herself doesnt want to participate, just continue to shove her opinions down everyones throats. It takes away from any kind of point she's making.
I guess I must have missed the last AAA game that hit Macs....
Funny, the store I work at didnt order enough to fill demand. Several people went home empty handed. I can see them making their 3 million...
Where are the trans cosplayers? Cuz seriously, the hips give it all away...
"I think they'll be impressive, cool consoles ... but I think the days of the traditional console are on the way out."—David Jaffe
That white trash has more money than you do. And a PS4, although its not in working condition anymore.
Well if they would have put enough fans in the thing to begin with...
Ok since no one else can seem to take a step back and realize exactly what the OP is saying I'll do it for you lazy bums: