I think Kojima needs an English language advisor soon
I think Kojima needs an English language advisor soon
While I fully agree with banning him and think a lot of the defences being brought up are bullshit I think lifetime bans for first time offences (and yeah there are circumstances where one offence is enough, I don’t think this is one of them though) are excessive no matter who they’re applied to. They’re not actually…
Lol you tip your hat to them? You know what they are doing is illegal in various countries right? But you tip your hat to them. No, they are just doing what is right and legal. It is illegal in many countries to not have avenues of return.
I don’t understand how the western version is more feature complete. The changed outfits accounted for the same amount as there were before, and a slight dub change to reflect a few things. Other than that, we didn’t get the hot springs DLC which means the Japanese version was the complete one.
This is kind of positive. When it bombs in the west and east, all the players might learn that taking such a broad approach to censorship is really stupid. Before some one says, “go look at porn”, note the broad part. There were many character/costume designs that were improved in the process and still worked within…
Various costume changes, a dungeon redesign, and a lot of story alterations to tone down some of the idol stuff. But what makes me confused is that the bulk of the changes are just due to the English translation, so I would think the Japanese version would still use the original script?
It does affect the story for the third dungeon though, in the japanese version Tsubasa is nervous about doing Swimsuit modeling and has to overcome her shyness and gain confidence with herself to win.
offends a portion or group of the public,
Last week’s South Park episode seems all the more relevant when weighed against this story, the immediate backlash the Houston Rockets faced when a member of their staff posted in support of Hong Kong, etc.
I’m all for letting other nations handle their own internal disputes, but the way China attempts to strong-arm…
Considering the title of his video is YOUVE BEEN LIED TO!!
Looks like you need to have a serious sit-down with your daughter about Cancel Culture. It’s time.
You’re a hypocrite, imagine if a man did this to a woman, this entire website would be calling for the death penalty.
You’re going to be a lot more fun two years from now as you regale us with all the reasons you voted for Donald Trump.
He declined to go to the strip club with her - the pantsing happened in public at a roller rink during someone’s birthday party. Reading comprehension, bruh.
I love how succinct that last sentence was.
Sure, but if they don’t cooperate, too bad, so sad, leave them alone and go work on figuring out the issue internally.
Bullshit. This guy was never the leak - his anonymous sources are the leak.
So this won’t be popular but screw it. It was wrong for him to date girls under 18. He should have been punished for it, and it’s a shame he wasn’t. However, this just doesn’t have the same creepy vibe that Michael Jackson or Jimmy Saville had.
" I haven't read your posts and I'm not going to."
So, there's a monumental difference between March 31st, and April 1st? When he wrote an article about Game Jam, that Zoe Quinn threw a fit about? I highly doubt that their relationship somehow started just one day or several days after he released that article. Not only that, but I've spoken to people who've known Zoe…