I can't believe people think these same tedious hipster jokes over and over and over again are still funny in 2016.
I can't believe people think these same tedious hipster jokes over and over and over again are still funny in 2016.
Motherfucking Facebook thinks I'm interested in Klingon. How dare you. petaQ.
If anyone still doesn't believe in white male privilege, I'd like to ask you to explain how Oliver Stone still has a career. I mean, obviously, it has nothing to do with merit, so what other explanation is there?
Leslie Jones poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!
Saw it, loved it, but I had the opposite reaction to the ending honestly.
Asexuality would make sense to me if it meant that (for example) you see everyone the way a straight man sees other men or whatever. But the definitions are so vague that certain Tumblr-types claim to be asexual and also polyamorous and they like having sex or something and it just makes no sense to me at all. I think…
I mean, I read It Can't Happen Here. It's great and I loved it, but it's kind of a good example of what comedians mean when they say Trump is "beyond satire". Buzz Windrip and company achieve power by pretending to be reasonable and sane and respectable and generally make some effort to conceal their mindless…
Maybe. I mean, the issue at this point is if the viewer is going to reject BoJack's redemption after what he has done, like he doesn't deserve it.
>Also, does this mark the first time that a major TV character has been asexual?
I have been to more than one wedding where they played this song. These have also been the weddings where the bride's dad's toast is all about how he doesn't like the groom 'cause he's such a macho dad but then he reluctantly came to accept him because of the firmness of his handshake or whatever.
You know, I was seriously expecting them to just have BoJack win the oscar and then have it be unfulfilling or whatever, because I am boring. Giving it to Sarah Lynn instead was a stroke of genius.
Yeah, I really hate when it shows up in commercials.
I'm gonna keep asking this until I get an answer: So this whole religion thing is the same allegory as the one in Toy Story, yes? With the claaaaaaaaaw?
Yeah, I legitimately don't see what the problem is. Todd's not into her. It's pretty obvious. And I see no reason to assume that either BoJack or Emily thought that it was anything other than a one-night stand. Nobody was leading anybody on, consenting adults, etc.
Is it me or is "why do you know how to make mushroom risotto" kind of a weird question to ask? I mean, I know how to make mushroom risotto. Not because of my poignant yet trenchantly hilarious backstory or anything, but just 'cause I do.
The main reason it would be risky to show someone with trisomy aborting a fetus with trisomy is that people with trisomy are sterile. You have no idea what you're talking about and pretending like you do is just making you look even worse than you already did.
Hahahahaha holy hell I thought they just made that up for the episode.