
:( It looks so tempting, but augh... Those touch controls are killing me. It’s a pity this didn’t get the 3DS treatment—it would have been perfect for it!

Remember that time Yotta reminded Luke that the force leads to the dark side?... No?... I'll see myself out,

Ok HOW is this left off the list?!

I think you’re correct, and the correction would have been “they’re” anyway.

Interesting view. We have to thank Jay Wilson and his “I’m right, you’re wrong” for this, I guess.

No, he’s the past.
He’s every one of us before the realities of the world set in.

You know it.

Not only will the next Doctor be a black female, she'll have a lesbian relationship with Missy and it'll be the single worst thing Moffat has ever written. It'll be handled so badly that DW will just die and it'll be off the air for 6 years until Rupert Grint buys the whole franchise and stays in the role for 30