Transgender is an adjective not a noun. Transgender people.
Transgender is an adjective not a noun. Transgender people.
He is transitioning. I hooked up with one of his attorneys in LA. Told me this two years ago. The divorce is all part of the plan. Had to give Kris an out.
What the actual fuck, more sources please, I will seriously write on this if I can get verification, because that is screwed up.
I'm just saying, this article makes it seem like there's just no way possible that he's transitioning. Basically, I'm playing devils advocate seeing as how I really don't care either way. Let Bruce do his thing. But idk, I can see why people would think it's a possibility.
I have literally no opinion and nothing to say on whether or not Bruce Jenner is transitioning, but 100% for sure he and some of the Kardashian family are filming where I live right now and according to our super local media (and stores and stuff that have had to sign "I can film here in this store") agreements what's…
Question, but first, lemme say this isn't a smart question or me being an asshole.
Except that US Werkly sort of is the paper of record for all things Kardashian/Jenner. They've had a pretty long mutually beneficial relationship.
Careful with the g-word. This is a family site!
Oh my god, I know. The most conservative, Southern branch of my family (I'm in Atlanta, they're in Alabama) are the ones with meth, pill, and alcohol abuse issues. Not a single one of my cousins made it out of high school without a kid, and as a result, failed to get educations and are living in relative poverty.…
Awesome. It's like White Santa is delivering presents in January.
She has so many racist things in the past, just because she is calling out sexism does not mean she is not as vile as anyone else on Fox News. I guess that one again #solidarityisforwhitewomen.
the cult of thinking for yourself?
I'm sorry, but I can't watch the video, because I am SICK TO DEATH of continuing to give any attention to this man who must have hitched a phone booth to join us from the antebellum South. I feel like all I've heard for the last couple of weeks is how he's defending himself from saying something that's patently stupid…
Bro, I can see that you Pubmed (or at least whoever it is you got the copypasta from can Pubmed). Do understand that not all papers have the same level of scientific rigor.
And how many of these papers have you read? Most people would expect an annotated bibliography at the minimum when you are presenting a lit search. Half of these papers are not even relevant.