Alas, it's the mom here who's stupid, not the girl. The girl is a victim...of her mother's stupidity.
Alas, it's the mom here who's stupid, not the girl. The girl is a victim...of her mother's stupidity.
I am not sure where you get the idea she was going to another hospital for the second opinion. They have never said that, ever. The mother was going to a naturopath. There was never going to be a second doctor involved.
She was absolutely allowed a second opinion — with a licensed physician. The second opinion her mother wanted her to get was from a naturopath. The family could easily have picked any MD in the area who uses integrative medicine for the second opinion and it never would have been an issue.
1) The second opinion was with a naturopath, not a licensed physician. There were other complicating factors as well.
The second opinion the mother proposed was apparently some woo-woo naturopath who "cures" cancer. That's not a real second opinion; that's risk of injury to a minor. CCMC did the right thing.
So over the way this is being portrayed nationally.
No, they couldn't have gotten the same effect. They deliberately used that image *because* it's the one with the greatest taboo. Why would they go with something less off-limits when their point was to show that /nothing is off-limits/? To use any image other than the Prophet negates the whole purpose.
[I didn't see the other pending replies to you when I made mine. Sorry you got flooded.]
I disputed Arkboy on this one as much as the next, but it's ludicrous to make the leap to suggesting he thought it was okay to murder the staff. Come on now. There's plenty to debate without imagining stuff.
Thank you for clarifying your wording.
The journalists were not Muslim, however, nor is most of the world. We can't have a world where we start expecting people to follow everyone else's religious rules. You cannot depict the Prophet; that doesn't mean no one else can, no matter how upsetting or even how offensively they do it.
While everyone suddenly becomes an expert on the French satirical tradition and the archives of "Charlie Hebdo," I'm just going to say that Conan being Liz Lemon's ex was one of my favorite running jokes on "30 Rock," and it is nice to see them in an article together.
Dermatitis herpateformis. Pretty common for people with celiac. Gluten harms our villi but then the ripple effect can cause dozens and dozens of other things.
Dermatitis herpateformis. Pretty common for people with celiac. Gluten harms our villi but then the ripple effect can cause dozens and dozens of other things.
I have celiac and am down with this. We hate those people even more than the rest of you do.
I really, really love that these types of mini-revolts are becoming more common. The working class has had it and is saying so. We're being bold towards employers, the police, and all sorts of other sacred authority figures. About damn time.
Boring, but:
I worked in his town for a while. Stuart Scott was one of the really cool, normal on-air people. You'd see him bagging his groceries without complaint or waiting in line for a booth at Friendly's just like everyone else. I never heard any negative stories about him like I did regarding other people. May there be…
Mine does, and my country is merely suburban Connecticut! Is that not a thing elsewhere? Maybe I have a renegade Wendy's? It's not like it's anything elaborate — there are maybe eight bowls of stuff? — but it works for me.