
Yes! Poshmark’s website has been my lifesaver right now. I’ve been getting nice, dressy tops from there for $20-30 and they are still brand new with the tags on them. Their retail price is $120-150. You just have to do a lot of digging around for the good stuff and know what brands and styles to look for on those kind

I think AGA was talking about all the metal in his mouth. I honestly thought the same thing when I saw all that metal. I have had braces that were worn for 4 years and I wore a retainer for 3 years after that. My teeth still aren’t perfectly straight so I doubt the comment has anything to do with the alignment of his

I think you completely missed the point of this article. This is about people who MAKE bad health decisions, such as CHOOSING to smoke or choosing to overeat when they are obese or choosing to start doing meth or cocaine. I don't think anyone CHOOSES to have migraines or to get cancer or to be depressed or to be born

The thing is, the people who are buying the "rip-offs" probably wouldn't buy the real thing if the rip-off didn't exist anyway. I can't afford a $130 dress no matter how much I like it, but of course when I see almost the same exact dress at the mall for $15 I'm going to pick it up because $15 is within my budget. If

"Generally people are most productive in the morning"

I wish that was true. Unfortunately once I started college, I became a real adult. If I hadn't picked up a job, I would be homeless, starving, and probably would have had to drop out of college because I wouldn't be able afford my textbooks and materials either. That's nice that the majority of college students are

So her name would probably be spelled Taryn in the U.S. then. I've met a Taryn. Also my sister's name is Tara and occasionally there will be someone that calls her Tar-ah, but most people pronounce it Tear-ah which is correct. I've never heard Tah-run for Tara before!

It doesn't just work like that when you have insomnia or if you're just a night owl. I always feel more awake at night than in the morning, regardless of how much sleep I get. I've also had issues with insomnia and I don't drink caffeine or watch tv and I wasn't on the internet. Just lying awake in bed, in the dark,

My comment is probably just going to get lost in here, but I thought you should know that "hipster" is actually a style of women's underwear. The most common styles are bikini, hipster, boyshort, and thong. So I don't know why you keep referring to it as Urban Outfitter's "Navajo hipster" line. It sounds just as

I feel like this was probably written for people going into creative jobs because for one thing, any job that isn't a creative job isn't going to very impressed with a graphic resume, they will probably be annoyed. Second thing, if you're not applying for a graphic job then you likely have little to no graphic skill