
This makes me think that a bullet simulator, where the objective is to try and see what kinds of interesting things you can do with bullets using real and fictional influences would be kinda fun. Imagine Little Big Planet, except instead of designing levels, you are designing a bullet obstacle course.

Cool beans but I don't see the market.

Whenever Master Chief spoke, I was surprised.

As much as I want to be excited for this. I just can't. I wanted spore to be a modern SimLife, but it wasn't and now I can't trust the Spore name.

@boltstorm: Yes, yes it will. I did programming in grades 10 and 11. In grade 11 I made a knock off of "I MAED A GAM3 W1TH ZOMBIES 1N IT!!!1" and needed some help with the trigonometry. I can do trig, the hard part is expressing it in a way that the computer can use it to very specific purposes in almost an infinite

@Kaonazhie: A lot of people did, actually.

This is all I wanted from Spore.

This is all I wanted from Spore.

Call of Duty: Future Warfare?

Cool. I always wanted to play a blood mage. And I do like pre-rendered trailers because they look pretty. But I'm going to have to see some gameplay before I am the least bit excited.

Not bad.

I hate it when voice actors breath too much to try and make themselves sound prophetic.

Ugh, rails. It it were not for them this would be great. Here's to hoping that some dev has a brilliant idea and fixes the rail problem without the need for a controller or accessory.

@m9105826: Halo counts I think. It at least made FPS on COnsole possible in the mainstream.