
Xbox person here, all these people saying that this isn't as good without the 1st are just jealous that they are losing an exclusive. The game is perfectly fine without an ME1 save. I hope you guys enjoy it cause it was one of my favorites this year. I seem to be one of a few people who loves it when games go from

A whole year more to work on this!?! They must really hate the fact that it crashes.

Should I skip seeing this movie in theaters to read the comics first? Or watch the movie on the big screen and then read the comics?

iPhone is useless without a jailbreak.

@Gyaruson 2.0: Well I just figure that people want a level cap increase for the sake of exploring new possiblilities. You can use both characters. I have 4 different character I've gotten to level 61 and finished every DLC with. I didn't need to use the same character all the time. They all play differently. If I want

YOu mean just like how Gearbox is making another Halo game? Pitchfork (no offence meant) will always say no comment because its good media attention.

YOu mean just like how Gearbox is making another Halo game? Pitchfork (no offence meant) will always say no comment because its good media attention.

This is bad news. It disturbs me most that microsoft thinks it might fail. If they can't be 100% confident with their hardware, I surely can't. Plus, because of their non-confidence, it can't track my fingers, which means I can't do things like pull triggers.


I don't understand the need for a level cap increase. Why don't you just make a new character?

"I always joke that true gamers see on their map where they're supposed to go, and then go the opposite way."

The thing is, people LIKE the movie. I think that we are all just grumpy nerds who like to know everything about a subject. It's too bad there are no more outlets for inception to go back and attempt a "re-do".

@Crashproof: Nah uh, Patricia Tannis takes the cake.

Every time MMOs like this are released all I want is a single player version.

I played Hitchhiker's. Text adventures are hard. I also played some MUDs.


I think the easiest way for Kinect to prove itself is by being used with an already established franchise, like Assassin's Creed 3 for example. If it does well in the hands of a competent developer then we know the Kinect is a good thing. If it sucks then it is glaringly obvious and we can all stop arguing about and