I look in the mirror and see a savage monster
Now playing

Dan Marino had nothing but nice things to say about his offensive line:

In order to really get how sad this is you gotta know a bit about Clifford. He was a decent recruit from right next to BC and showed some flashes his Freshman year before being sidelined for all the next year with a foot injury (aka death for big men). He’s turned it around and been somewhat serviceable the past two

As always, smiling and not sharing the rock.

Dwight is a Rocket

Just give the Spurs time. They can make it happen.

That guy was actually his step dad. The kid hadn’t really taken a liking to his new step dad and usually only talked to him in passive aggressive remarks. Step dad thought that a trip to the ball game would change all of that. Kids love sports! But when he got there the kid wasn’t impressed and after every play would


Not “Down Syndrome” exactly, because down is an extra 21st HUMAN chromossome, which makes it uniquely human.
But they can have extra chromossomes in their DNA that alter their genetic make up resulting in stuff that looks like down syndrome.
Virtually any living (actually, plants, insects, funghi and mammals, to be more

This is criminally short on stars. Fortunately, McGregor will let him see a few more.

Yeah, he’s going to read this and get his feelings hurt.

Nate Diaz as a dog?

But it’s been a great week for guys who have killed and were on your fantasy team in 2010 (see: Harrison, Marvin).

Piper disliked that.

There are a lot of organisations that take care of necessities like food and sanitary items for people in need (thankfully), but not as many that help out with passing the time – which for me at least was why the temptation to turn to alcohol and drugs was all too strong.

Hell no. Trash ass Kinja.

Obviously he’d noticed a series of microfractures within the Knicks organization.

Grim? Speak for yourself, pal. There’s something very charming and nostalgic about bowling on TV. Reminds me of being at my grandparents as a kid. I’d be sitting on the couch (“davenport”) wrapped in a blanket (“afghan”), listening to the mellifluous voive of Chris Schenkel, while Grandma fussed over the spaghetti

Barry - “Hello, I’d like to make a reservation for one under Barry.”