
This is one case where she would not be happy that he went to Jared.

A busy street in La Brea? La Brea IS the street. Are you guys okay?

Funny thing though - this movie makes just as much fun of the USA as it does of the DPRK, if not more. So perhaps that's why they didn't flip their shit? idk, just spitballing here.

Here let me read this mistranslated gobbledygook from 2000 years ago, and translate it one last time just for you! (no way that could possibly be misinterpreted, AMIRITE?)

I too was confused by the end and absence of Stannis. It made me question my memory of the books and clouded the timeline for me.
That being said, I have never really been all that invested in the storyline along the Wall anyway, even though I know the White Walkers are supposed to be the big baddies. I want to see

I know what you mean. I guess they'll just have to rewrite how Tyrion and her meet, if they include her at all. (RIP Strong Belwas, we never knew ye)

I agree about the end of this season. I actually believe the final shot is going to be Lady Stoneheart, with Tyrion's murder of his father & Shae taking place moments before that.
One question though: where is the female dwarf who Tyrion ends up traveling with? She wasn't at the purple wedding.

I only take issue with this line:
