Savage Cinema

Any fans of Doctor Mordred, Charles Band's two-bit we-thought-we-had-the-rights-but-we-don't-so-let's-just-change-all-the-names Dr Strange adap with Jeffrey Combs? At the very least, it does have a cool stop-motion dinosaur skeleton at the end…

"Super Nintendo Chalmers?"


Oh, Lisa! You and your stories! "Dad, Bart is a vampire." "Beer kills brain cells." Now, let's get back to that… building… thingy… where our beds and TVs… is.

"Aye, 'tis true. My debauchery was my way of compensating."

The former might just be equalled by Homer's strained delivery before it: "Hello, my name is Mr Burns. I believe you have a letter for me."

"Nice PJ'S, Simpson! Did your mommy buy 'em for ya?"
"Of course she did, who else would?"


Not only that, but rumour has it that their kiss at the end of the film was his first-ever kiss (at the age of 35)…

I linked to the trailer, not the film - here's the link to the film:… (Jittlov has approved free sharing of the film until he's able to release his Director's Cut DVD, which sadly is unlikely to happen anytime soon…)

"Miss Belair, if you have to grab part of my body and shake it before you can even be friendly, you've got far worse problems than you think I have!"

I like Tam Lin a lot, and was pleased as Punch when it finally came out on DVD and Blu-Ray last year. It's a flawed film, for sure, but a fascinating time capsule, and there's plenty of indications that McDowall had some real talent behind the camera, not least the bonkers finale (SPOILER - Ian McShane stoned out of

I saw the restored original ending of Phase IV at the BFI a couple of weeks ago, and it might be the most incredible thing I've seen on a cinema screen in 2014.