Savage Cinema

Plus, Lucy and Andy are ten times stupider in this season than they were in the original series.

I thought of Lost Highway at the first mention of "Renee" in this episode.

Close - it's co-writer Scott Spiegel doing the laugh.

The original Lord Buckethead was Michael Lee, the owner of a British film distributor called Vipco - if anyone here recognises his name, he's the much-derided executive producer of Spookies, who fired the original filmmakers just before they could finish their final cut, had another director reshoot more than half the

I'm pretty certain the woman at 0:29 is Bonnie Aarons, who played the scary backalley hobo in Mulholland Drive. She's not in the cast list issued last year, but an interview with her on Rue Morgue's website last year says she "is soon to make an appearance on the resurgence of TWIN PEAKS." (

The Childhood Of A Leader and Darling too.

Hell YES to grilled cheese-and-Marmite sandwiches.

Burke still is my fantasy casting for Roland.


Yeah, "picky eating" isn't the most accurate term - a lot of the time, it's a full-on fucking phobia!

I too grew up with this and thought I was "the only one" for years until a couple of TV programmes on it aired here in the UK around the same time, about a decade or so ago. It was scary, desperately lonely and has had effects on my social skills that last to this day. I actually came down with full-blown scurvy

His subtle reactions to the bus breaking down (and how it interrupts what is otherwise a very calm moment) made me think that he was having some sort of PTSD flashback in that moment too.

Yeah, this basically. Jodorowsky has always been a childish provocateur with an, er, "colourful" turn of phrase. In the documentary Jodorowsky's Dune, he even talks about how he "raped" Frank Herbert's novel. Though I suppose it wouldn't surprise me if it were true either.

This is great, but will Universal ever get round to restoring the extra footage confirmed to exist in old British prints of the film?

"Why the fuck… Why would you bring up that?"

Yes, and both of them used to go to the summer camp in question (Camp Tamakwa) when they were kids. A T-shirt for the camp is seen briefly in The Evil Dead.

More like the spitting image of Keith Gordon in Christine.

Also, a very fine, stirring Jerry Goldsmith score that deserved a better movie.

I wonder if his (perhaps ironically given this film) being caught out for lying about serving in Vietnam put a stain on him.

It was indeed Rambo: First Blood II that Cameron co-wrote, not the original.