
In the case of Milo whatisname the school does have a choice. Constitutional freedom of speech rights do not extend to advocacy of criminal activity. This Milo guy has promoted child sexploitation which is illegal in most, if not all, states.

By “his own people”, I am assuming you mean his fan base. Otherwise, what did he say otherwise? Um hmmm...

This behavior on the part of a teacher, the learning leader, is clearly not in line with any educational or disciplinary philosophy. It was intended to demean and demoralize an honors student who refises to return to that school. The teachers ejo do this should not only be fired bit barred from classtooms anywhere in

General Colin Powell.

There is a misconception about Anita Hill’s testimony on ClarenceThomad—she merely wanted to expose his character tothe public, as Thomas was not an appropriate choice for judgein the nation’ s highest court and certainly no fitting replacement for Justice Thurgood Marshall.