
Friday the 13th for the commodore 64 was so much better.

That's why it never worked!

Ghostbusters had kind of crummy reviews but the story mode was hilarious. The online never worked for me but I'm not sure if it was because no one else was online.

I love her.

It's so absurd, I love it. I might have to play this one just to freak my friends out.

My parents gave away my Turbo Grafix 16 a while back (when I was in college and hadn't touched it in 6 years) I regret that.

Just out of curiosity what is everyones expectations for this game? I personally never really "got" Duke Nukem even back when it came out and I was in high school. I get this feeling that there is going to be a lot of disappointed fans because 14 years of hype is hard to live up to.

Is the lightning bolt for Raiden? That Metal Gear game no one has talked about in a long time? That's where i'm placing my bet.

Now playing

Ehh. Not the greatest typography in the world. It's just basically doing what the ford truck commercials with Dennis Leary does but nowhere near as good.

Cancel series.

Happened to mine on Wednesday. I like to think he's waiting for me up in heaven... :'c

It starts at 6pm local time.

I am. I really like it. It really makes me feel like I'm controlling a movie. I think when I go back through to replay certain missions I will do it in color. I really think this should have been designed from he ground up as a B+W game but of course no big budget game is going to take that risk. I am just happy that

Wow! It's so advanced you don't even need it!

Are they actually putting it between a Georgia O'Keefe and a Thomas Hart Benton? Is Ken Levine trying to curate this show now? Who do you think you are Ken Levine?! No! Bioshock will be on view next to Joseph William Turner!

So there is a b&w mode in L.A. Noire? I am going out to get the 360 version tonight (since my ps3 died as soon as I put the disc in last night).

My 80GB just died last night.

Dark Souls

I've been saying for years that you should be able to donate leftover points to Child's Play or some some other charity.