
Oooooh buuurrnnn. Two years ago I went to a game that they lost by 25 points. The really hellish games are when Boston is in town. Worst. Fans. Ever.

Imagine Babyz will use those to dispense birth control.

"Imagine if he played ten thousand video games!"

A Mobius Strip does have 2 sides but one side is inverted so that you can traverse the edge and move through the to other side if you were a flatlander.

to get to the other side?

Ok, Actually it's $129 and they will try to send back your own console first unless it is really bad. The real bad news (that I got last night) is that regardless they will reformat your hard drive so you will lose all of your saves, videos, music, photos... If you have PS+ you might be ok with the saves I don't know

Happened to me tonight. I got the YLoD but it was as soon as I put LA Noire in. I have an 80 GB backwards compatible fat.

I just got the YLOD as soon as I put LA Noire in the PS3. I am so pissed off!

In Driver 2 you couldn't even hit them. I know because we tried, a lot.

I hope he shows up to E3 wearing a Half Life 3 hat. They should sell those.

The Rapture came early for melons.

Makes sense, I played Oregon Trail in 2nd grade. I probably learned less from that than they are from this. I wish they started teaching manners in online games back in the 90's so that I wouldn't have to listen to all of the twats who play online now.

I realized that almost immediately and edited my comment. Johnny on the spot.

The next major step will be making the eyes seem alive. it's always those shark eyes. It does look great though

$10.00 in 1920 had the same buying power as $114.26 in 2010.

After Effects for sure. You can do some neat stuff in flash too.

Holy space hair!

I bet the astronauts still end up stepping on some of the pieces. They will be hearing them go up the vacuum cleaner for years to come.

That's kind of my point but I honestly haven't really started that area yet. I just finished the tower knight and then popped into 2-1 to look around.

Yes, definitely for me. I just can't commit the time and concentration anymore to play through extremely long or complicated games. I want to finish Demon's Souls but I just can't commit the time to get past 2-1. I imagine this ideal future where I will have like a month off of work and I can sit in the dark and play