I certainly haven’t ever expected you to be fair to Sam Smith (who I don’t care much about one way or another)--don’t worry, you haven’t been, as I’m sure you know.
I certainly haven’t ever expected you to be fair to Sam Smith (who I don’t care much about one way or another)--don’t worry, you haven’t been, as I’m sure you know.
Decent folks are weary of being told we need to respect these obnoxious gassy trolls and their “opinions” as if they’re genuine “viewpoints”, just like how we’re tired of pretending that the bloated orange dotard is a real person and something “more” than a stupid television character run completely amok. “Proud…
I am more inviting.
I think we’re all going to have to get over our collective ickies about eating bugs. They’re an environmentally sustainable, protein-dense food source that can be an unnoticeable additive to other foods. Turning our nose up at this point is a bit childish.
Fuck Kanye.
They think it’s bad because they all know deep down that they’re losers. These are nobodies, people who have nothing going for them and no reason to hold their head up high and be proud of themselves. They know full well that without the unearned advantages of white privilege, they would be the ones at the bottom of…
A lot of those women became millionaires and even billionaires selling young girls a body image that was no more real than anime. There is value in pointing out how much of a lie the image is. And I have to ask, is the lie not misogyny? Is photoshop, hours of make up, surgery, and a team of experts to post a single…
Your trolling is mediocre, like your racist president and all your white supremacist heroes.
To be fair, though... all of the Disciples were total shitbags. That’s kind of the actual message of the gospels, if you pay attention and think about it.
Robert Jeffress, you are a disgrace to the church. On the contrary to what you claim, what you and everyone like you has done is exactly what Jesus was warning about.
You mean like the state of Georgia implemented in 2011, only to see hundreds of millions of dollars of agricultural output rot in the fields, and the state seriously contemplating reintroducing Jim Crow-era prison labor gangs to make up the shortfall?
Having been shamed for nursing in public I’m all for this. If nothing else having it everywhere, even unrealistically glamorized, makes jerks uncomfortable. Which makes me happy.
Still favoring that shade of yellow I see.
So today I went on the anti-Trump March and it was a very raucous affair, outnumbering wotsit’s own inauguration crowd, with everyone loudly demonstrating how much they detest the man. The crowd was so large that it kept having to stop start to avoid overcrowding the end goal of Trafalgar Square and contained all…
I hear the inside of the balloon model Trump accurately too. In particular the head and place that would have contained a soul.
Trump has again attacked London mayor Sadiq Khan (presumably because he’s upset about the blimp), blaming him for (personally, apparently) “allowing millions and millions of people to come into Europe” and falsely linking this to the recent crime wave in London.
Hmmmm I hadn’t thought of it quite like that. Aren’t we lucky?
Woohoo! the UK leg of this shitshow is in full flow - and I think Trump might just have surpassed himself.