
Or dads

Just chiming in as an American to let you know that you’re doing the Lord’s work.

if minorities like John Lewis can still have hope for this country, I see no reason why other cannot, this “doom and gloom” attitude is not productive at all and only helps the GOP, I for one refuse to give them the satisfaction of playing dead.

Not favorably.

Don’t worry. When we Canadians breakdown and invade, we’ll put him where him and his ilk belong.

He wants another guaranteed “Not Guilty” vote for when Mueller has him indicted.

Wait, he named his kid after Sterling Sharpe?


Shooter is in custody = probably a white guy.

Hoodies are a suspicious item of clothing; apparently, this, not so much.

(spoiler alert guys: I fight hard for your dumb ass’ rights while you racist stooges hand them over to your plutocrat masters)

MAGA: Motorcycles Are Going Away

The US has an advantage that Germany in the 1930's/40's lacked; information technology combined with digital social networking. There’s simply no way to effectively suppress knowledge, oh specifics yes, but the broad strokes not a chance. The majority of American people know that their leadership has become

It sounds utterly and embarrassingly cheesy but I actually teared up at these photos & descriptions and maybe it’s partially because I’m German. There’s the obstreperous, anti-authoritarian, strong-willed moral America we truly love.

Some people will say that white ladies do not hold up our end when it comes to resisting oppression, but I direct all and sundry to view the ladies blocking the buses, wrestling with ICE and the police, yelling to the imprisoned children on the buses, getting in the way and making trouble generally.

I see your point, but I think this situation is completely different than refusing service to someone because they are gay, or Black. Denying service to an entire category of people just because of the way they were born - like being gay, or being Black - is VERY different than being held accountable as an individual

Here’s the thing about paranoid bullies: everything feeds their persecution complex. They’ve rightfully counted on the other side to back down and take the high road for about 2 decades now. I’m fine with them getting a taste of their own medicine.

Yes, I’m sure you were really on the fence until now