
I'm sorry, "Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle" involves reading skills, and I don't think the government should be able to dictate that children learn a foreign (Roman) alphabet.

My kid? What are you talking about, I'm from Massachusetts. We lead the nation in high school graduation rates and tertiary-level education. I'm all set!

Or basic grasp of 6th-grade Algebra.

I was thinking about it on Sunday and if I was a crueler person and more of a libertarian bent (rather than being the embodiment of a Massachusetts Liberal crypto-Socialist that I am) I'd say "go for it!" Remove all subjects that people don't like, and create a permanent intellectual underclass. This will serve a

Wait til they find out that Algebra is an Arabic word and the mathematics behind it is an Islamic invention...

My mother just retired from teaching in AZ for 20 years and told me the other night that there is someone there who is trying to eliminate required subjects in public schools because he doesn't believe the "government" (i.e. the elected representatives of the community we call our country) has the right to dictate

Cthululemon? To they sell yog-sothoth-a pants too? I hope theirs don't go see-through when you bend over.

Ceili(dh) dancing? What, like Siege of Ennis or Shoe the Donkey? I presume you're either in Ireland or Scotland, I'd be astounded if ceilis were de rigeur in the USofA these days.

Sooo... that needs to be a thing.

All my friends came out of Reality Bites mooning over Troy, and all I could think was how much of a bag of shit he was and how much the Ben Stiller character was actually a decent human being who really dug Winona Ryder and wanted to do things to make her happy. I could not believe she basically pissed all over the

I hope this comment gets the most recommends.

CCH Pounder would do a good job in any role, anywhere, ever. That woman is pure magic.

"The fact that you are a woman and can't dream of a way this encounter may be negative is absolutely mind blowing"


Except for the two more replies you posted, of course.

It does matter what the comment is, since "good morning" is not a catcall, its a greeting. People are allowed to talk to each other.

I'm not being cute, and that's precisely what was stated above. Go ahead and read it, I'll wait...

Well then that's not as simple as the originating comment stating that the words "good morning" were ipso facto harassment, is it? Demonstrably, they are not. The act of a person uttering the words "good morning" in your direction are not harassment. Leering or catcalling prior or subsequently, perhaps.

LOL! I've been catcalled, I have had guys follow me in their cars — looping the block and sometimes an entire thoroughfare to come up behind me again, I've had guys try to *get me into* their cards, and I've had guys drive up on the sidewelk to stop me from walking.

If you "feel" threatened regardless of the actual behavior or intent of the person in qusetion, your "feelings" trump all? I seem to recall a couple of jury decisions recently that caused a lot of outrage for precisely that sentiment.