
There is a disease wherein one develops expertise in one area and then feels free to pontificate on other areas about which one knows nothing.

This may come as a shock to you, but not everybody can afford to buy bottled water.

How is it not a big deal? They dumped a shitload of a dangerous chemical that people basically know little about into the water supply due to negligence. The fact that the substance wasn't that toxic was a stroke of luck. Yes, toxic crap is handled every day. But, more often than not it's handled under carefully

It's poverty. There are very few jobs other than coal mining related (such as this case). And those companies have threatened (and followed through) to leave if regulations are enforced. This has been an issue for a long time but the rest of the country is noticing only now. Why would they notice before, it's just a

The American people have been brainwashed by politicians, CEOs and the media so that they're (we're) afraid to actually regulate businesses. The people affected by this crisis will continue to believe that the EPA is a useless waste of government money; that regulations will ultimately harm businesses, resulting in

Even if you only drink bottled water it's coming out of someone's tap somewhere

You ought to know that these "job creators" are filing for bankruptcy in a sleazy maneuver as a means of evading responsibility as well. This is extremely typical of the mining industry, it lets Management take their profits, discard their employees like garbage, and leave local units of government and the citizenry

Yep, every single person who lives in the effected area voted that way. Even the people who can't legally vote yet.

My girlfriend's family lives on the outskirts of Charleston and was one of the last areas to have their restriction lifted. Night 1 they still smelled licorice so didnt touch it. Night 2, after "flushing" their own systems (which the morons recommended just 15minutes of running for hot water, even though the shit had

West Virginia. Just another Libertarian paradise where unregulated corporations are allowed to spread freedom across the land. We should rename 4-methylcyclohexane methanol "Freedom". Otherwise the terrorists win.

Good God...

Fixing a relative's computer is like when Wolverine's claws come out of his hands. It hurts every time.

Not so much worst as funny, but on my first days doing tech support for a company there were 3 calls that stood out:

Like this is really going to do anything? NSA will do whatever the hell they want to do next time more secretly. All this is PR for the American public and the rest of the world.

Because what he said should be a disappointment for the US citizen.

Oh this is fun! What would other gawker sites waste $10,000 on for things we already know?

So explain to me how "providers making the best effort win" works in areas with only one ISP? Imean what if you cannot change ISP should you therefore just take it? Everyone go without the internet? Yeah what I just read suggests you do not understand such things as Regional monopoly's.

Yeah, let's wait and let things get steamrolled in the name of money just to see what happens, instead of acting early to prevent abuse. That's a lot of why places like West Virginia and the Dakotas are real-world toxic dumps- uninhibited profiteering without much in the way of regulation or safeguards. I don't see