
I have another solution; we accelerate gene research and create catgirls.

ALL cats can be indoor cats, and as domesticated animals are not part of the natural food chain. It is not 'cruel' to keep your cat indoors, in fact they live longer and healthier lives.

I, for one, WELCOME our new rapidly reproducing native species eradicating feral feline Overlords...

"Oh no! Cats are destroying the environment!" said the human.

1) Taking cats out of the ecosystem, as demonstrated above, has just as many negative consequences.

IMO, if you care about the health and safety of your pet cat, don't let it go outside and roam unrestricted.

Stop fucking with the cats and let them take over.

This topic is brought up on black gay twitter at least once a month. The fact of the matter is nobody knows the answer.

Gay guy. Purely from my experiences it's situational but always seems to be clear at the moment. In general if one person asks the other to dinner, especially to a restaurant of the asker's choice, it's polite for that person to pay. If you both decide to get food, both have potential input on the place, it's common

You're not taking into account how the woman feels in that scenario. Just so your male ego doesn't get bruised you insist on paying. At some point in our relationship I would start to decline dates with you for fear of feeling to myself that I was taking advantage of you. Don't forget a lot of men expect something in

The initiator of the date pays.

Or when Robert Downey Jr. was casted as Iron man. The thing is that the worst part of that movie (as most of recent blockbusters) could be the plot. So, why not focus in things that actually matters instead?

i'm pretty sure something similar happened online when they announced heath ledger was playing the joker. . .

I have to say, same here. :) Researching the nominees for this Hive exposed me to a lot of notebooks I hadn't been familiar with, and now suddenly need to own!

I'm still using Moleskine, but since many folks mentioned other products, I think I'll give them a try next time. Thanks for the recommendations, guys!

Everything this man says makes me think he is a gigantic tool who has no idea how to handle something on this scale and is just faking it to keep his job.

Haha, I love Lydia. I'm slowly discovering I might not be with popular opinion on this one though. Lydia and Todd are my dream team, I could watch a whole spinoff show about them.

Here's an image of the vegetarian version, since it took me forever to find it on their site and I thought I'd save others the trouble. Unfortunately it doesn't look like you can download that version for free (the image isn't as big, and has the big "copyright" on it).