

The idea of buying more products, testing, then returning is good, sadly most of us don't have the money to buy so many things at once. Most of the high-end headphones are on display unpacked in Germany anyway so what I did is I used my smartphone and pluged them in and compared. Interesting fact, I bought a pair of

I'm sorry but this is incredibly bad advice and I sincerely hope no one actually does this. Because if they did, people end up buying things that have already been "used", instead of the the "brand new" they're paying for, just so someone can go home "try it all out" and return the ones they didn't like.

disappointed with Lifehacker allowing this article to be posted. I don't respect anyone who intentionally returns something just to try it out. Make your best guess on the research and only return it if your not pleased. Heck I am the king of returning things but I draw the line at whimsical testing of products.

Waste. The fuel and packing materiel that it takes to ship 3 items to you. Then to ship 2 back. Then the time and effort to check, clean, re-certify, and repackage the now used items. They maybe sold at reduced profit as refurbished or they could be simply thrown away. Quite simply you suck. You waste resources,

Five shipments, bought on credit, because you must have precisely the right headphones without actually having to do in depth research.

This really sounds like it's only an option for people with a vast reserve of disposable income for their gadgets. Who can seriously afford to buy multiple $200 products at a time, even if they plan to send all of them back but the one they like best? That's the whole point of doing research before purchasing, so you

Ugh. As a small business owner and a person who does a large quantity of shopping online - stop!

Some of us can't just return stuff. Also, I think it's a bad practice in general. If I bought it, it's mine, unless it has some sort of defect. If there's nothing wrong with it, I think it's pretty shitty to just return it. Imagine if everything worked like that! Everyone would just buy 3 of everything and return what

As a retailer do you honestly have any idea how much this drives the cost up? "Just return the ones you don't like" wonderful mentality

Buying 3 products with no intention of keeping 2 of them hurts all of us. It astounds me that you would publish and encourage this kind of behavior. What an a** you are for even publishing this article, much less doing it.

Must be nice to have enough money to keep it tied up waiting for refunds from your return sprees. I would guess most people don't have the extra income to play that game.

I have to agree with previous posters that this is really bad advice. Buying and returning items costs the merchant money, and we all know who eventually pays those costs. If everybody did this, merchants would be forced to raise prices significantly, or more likely severely restrict their return policy. Of course

Seriously — you return SHOES to a store and expect a) someone to buy shoes that you have had your stinky feet in or b) make the store "eat" your stinky tried on shoes and pass the cost on to the rest of us poor schmucks who don't just purchase things with the intent to return them.

You're the reason why things are expensive...

For the places near me (Wiltshire, UK):

Calne - Nothing. Nowhere. Avoid Calne.

Devizes - Nothing at all.

Chippenham - No really good places. Pink Planet is a videogame store, but it's a bit crap. Ever find yourself in the area though, The Rose & Crown pub is where I hang out. Mostly welcoming staff, nerdy enough when you

Valhalla's Gate Columbia MO USA

I use Calibre for my collection of digital comics. Since that collection overlaps 100% with my collection of print comics, I don't have any need for another database, although I do have GCStar installed. I liked it for games and it will do comics, but I don't know if it meets your definition of easy.