
If you report your landlord/owner... you will become evicted. Laws are only enforced when it's "convenient".

This horrible human obsession with killing things instead of learning to live in harmony with them is what has led to climate change and homophobia as well as oppression of women.

I second that. Growing up in the deep south grits were commonly used. My father once told me they cause the ants stomachs to explode when they expand in their bodies.

A kinder thing to do — so you don't kill them or torture them is to:

The best way to get rid of fire ants is gasoline and a match. Tell your landlord that.

With all those ants, that would be a gritload!

This isn't entirely accurate. Florida, for one thing, is nothing more than a sand bar the built up around an ancient coral reef. It hasn't been there more than 40 MY.

The 2010 live action film of Space Battleship Yamato will screen on August 4 as part of the Japan film Festival in San Francisco.

I remember when Bumblebee looked like this.

This was pretty gratuitous.

The blob eating Ultimate Wasp. It's stuff like this that keeps me away from the Ultimate universe even though I know Ultimate Spider-man is awesome. I just don't want to read stuff like this.

I'm pretty sure that's from Daredevil: Shadowland...don't read it. Just don't.

Ugh to the Batgirl/Supergirl art. There's needs to be a moratorium on balloon boobs.

In Sean Howe's "Marvel Comics: The Untold Story" it's mentioned that She-Hulk and Spider-Woman were actually forced upon the creative staff due to the popularity of Hulk and Spidey. If they hadn't created them, DC—or some other outfit—would have likely scooped up the rights to the names. So there you go—created by

Canada is quite a bit lighter than it should be. According to StatsCan, the irreligious are at about 16%. Moreover, it would be more telling to separate the continent into provinces and states. The west would be rather brown and the east yellow.

I'm going to go ahead and guess that this us the worst place on Earth to be an atheist. Cheers to our Arabian faithless friends.


It wasn't gratuitous, was it? It seems like it would just be a callback to the completely gratuitous scene in the first film, where Zoe Saldana stripped down for no reason.

Made you click.

I like this abandoned station in New York.