
Saucemaster's point was in regards to drivers and how they behave. How bicyclists behave is another matter entirely. He wasn't acting as if bicyclists were innocent - it was just irrelevant to his point. A safe bicyclist, nor an unsafe bicyclist, can't do much of anything about an unsafe driver.
And you're wrong about

Or Thundarr the Barbarian:

cuz no one remembers this from the 2001 version of "The Time Machine"

The wave cannon from (

Dark Star. Heck, the bottom of the ship has a Matra V-12 engine glued to it, it must be cool!

I've always been partial to the "Wave Motion Gun" from Starblazers.

The Argo/Yamato's wave motion gun. Because it looks cool and because it can take out a whole fleet with a single shot. Death Star can take out a planet, but Return of the Jedi showed how ineffective it is in ship to ship combat.

"Kitten Thinks of Nothing but Murder All Day"—The Onion

For being the smallest, weirdest looking and most nebulously defined (it nullifies things... ultimately?) ultimate weapon in history, I'm going with the Ultimate Nullifier.

Now playing

Shirty, Mole, Lazy Eye, Mexico, Baldy, Sugar Boobs, Black Woman