

Cool, I'm glad it works for you.

"Default Reply to All" No! No! No! No! No! I've already seen two major embarrassments at work thanks to a 'reply to all' mistake; I can only imagine there will be more if people set this to their default. (Yes, I understand it is an optional feature).

I think people with these 'minimalist' work spaces should have to list the 'work' that they do. What job could you do at this tiny desk, check Weather Underground once an hour?

"Insanely Accurate"? Where is Tyreese? He's already killed more than Merle and Carol in his one episode appearance.

multi-tool, mini mag-lite, knife, tube patch kit, tire levers, flashing light, plastic bag

No! That would be cheating. Tails-up is bad luck. I used to work with a guy would would kick a tails-up penny and picked it up when it flipped, but I didn't approve.

If a penny is heads-up, I pick it up, no matter what I am doing. If it is tails-up, I leave it. If I am in the street, I'll stop and pick up anything else starting at a nickel regardless of orientation. If I am in line at a coffee shop or similar, and I see money on the floor, I pick it up and put it in the tip

Thank you for posting this.

it wasn't all dudes, either

Thanks! But I want to do the opposite: Save Attachment *to* Drive —- not the other way around. Though as multiple people have pointed out, I could do that today if I switched from Firefox to Chrome.

Thank you for the tip. I should have specified that I use Firefox...

Thank you for the tip. I should have specified that I use Firefox...

When is google going to allow me to save an attachment directly from Gmail to Drive? Now I have to take all the cat photos that people have emailed to me and save the attachments to my desktop, then re-upload them to Drive.

I hope all the Londoners are Japanese, to be true to the source material.

Did you scroll down to the 1st paragraph where it says that it is wrong to refer to folks as 'Mayans'? Maybe Akira should be cast with Afghanis, then, or Scotch.

There's no such thing as 'Mayans'.

I also mentioned 'Mayans'.

Did the exact same people complaining about this make identical complaints about Daredevil's Kingpin being black, or GIJoe's Breaker being Arab, or a Norse God in Thor being black (and British), or Tonto being played Johnny Depp, or Iron Man's Mandarin being....(???)? Just to be 100% consistent.