Trying to figure out how this site would cover someone repurposing their content and trying to make money off of it. I’m guessing it wouldn’t have the same tone......
Trying to figure out how this site would cover someone repurposing their content and trying to make money off of it. I’m guessing it wouldn’t have the same tone......
I think that a site should be trusted to cover games in a manner in which it doesn’t seem like they are promoting them. Rather, they are presenting the information and leaving it with the end consumer. This game “isn’t due out until 2022" and is from a small publisher. I would be 100% fine with this coverage if the…
Thanks for the comment. There are just as many special games from great developers out now. I think it would be better to highlight games that actually exist and work. Not games released in a partial state that -kind of- work, or in this case, a game that might come out next year. I thought this was entirely an…
What is happening with this site? The top articles being actual video game related is increasingly rare, and coverage of games that haven’t come out yet - or are in some state of early release - have gone through the roof. It almost feels like a marketing site at this point. All this has happened while reviews and…
Honestly pretty funny after this site hyped up a very average - or worse - game.
Unbelievable!!!! How could they be betrayed by the developer like this??? I would probably stop gaming.
It’s probably better you got out when you did, because you sound clueless about this
No, I was laughing at someone who wanted to cite a serious publication and then I clicked on the link and it was Teen Vogue. Not sure what that has to do with me reading Kotaku - which is a video game website, in case you didn’t know (considering you just tried to equate it with Teen Vogue).
No, I am an adult with virtually limitless options to read.
A number of players on Xbox One and PS4 have reported having similar issues on Twitter, not knowing if they have the day one patch, or how to download it if they don’t.
Thanks for another good laugh!
I clicked on the link that went to Teen Vogue and laughed out loud
Or if you don’t mind seizures!
Where is the editor here? Did we really need an aside about a “previously undiagnosed hand condition?” Good grief. And the last section in which someone with what seems like a very narrow, strange worldview decides to opine on the state of the world? Give us a break. People came here to read about the PS5, not read…
The Gatorade ads in NBA 2K are not “unskippable” - unless you mean one has to wait 3 seconds before being able to skip.
Not MY Roger Wilco :)
There is some rumor online that Madden adding “The Yard” for M21 is a direct reaction to the earlier 2K deal, would be curious if that is true
Looks like he’s called “Augustus” in the game, the 1st boss